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Is it just me... - koralia
yup i probably work at some department store or flip burgers with creditors calling for their money..even God can't help me now.
hehe...don't give up buddy, it's easier said than done but gotta fight through this and hang in there...I know what you mean about the burger offense to anyone flipping burgers , but having gone through all this there's gotta be something better. and yes, for those of us in this predicament, creditors please do F- off at this moment for the time being...
i totally have given up snaggletooth..that's why i was looking for would take a miracle at this point to get an interview and then to finally get a position. things have changed and residency programs are no longer lenient.

considering my md and ecfmg are worthless..flipping burgers is all i'm good for apparently..
hey buddy, i'm not sure if you mentioned, have you done all Steps? I still haven't attempted 3 because I dont feel like messing with it such that it's no use and an f-ing waste of time and money, kind of like what you describe...anyway just a friendly advice, not just in applying for this steaming pile of rubbish, but in life in general we have to exhaust every option before pulling an El Foldo...cheers.
yup..i finished step 3..that's why it makes all the more terrible. i would think if you score high on a first attempt it will help you, but like i said residency programs are very fickle in what their criteria may be.

thanks for the advice..i'm upset and hopeless b/c medicine in all i know..i'm an idiot everywhere else

anyways, i'm supposed to be on vacation for a couple of it relaxing?..hell no :-(
Yeah I can understand you buddy, having step 3 cleared and still nothing encouraging, that probably really sucks .

not only is it seem hopeless as you put it, its just that it's really a pain in the arse trying to explain this carp to family, friends , relaitves which was said ,sort of, by the original poster..

well, like others try to suggest, shoring up something on your CV like publications, observsership, establishing contacts,etc etc could help the cause, but could also be a crock of *beep* as well. maybe it's worth a try?

Enjoy your vacation, what the hey, you only live once.!
You are in $hit, no doubt of that! But I find it amusing though that you turn to the same guys for moral support that you have been trying to mislead with numerous fake IDs and posting all sorts of crap messages hoping that would give you an extra mileage! Life is funny, isn't it?
numerous fake IDs, wreza? Just out of curiosity, do you have multiple fake IDs also, or are you Straight-Edge correct and proper. I'm sure whoever you are calling out would perhaps like to know..Cheers and keep on dreaming and reach for the stars!!!
which is more worthless, ECFMG certification w/MD but no residency credential, or the now- -seemingly-defunct Fifth Pathway Certificate w/MD but no residency credential? Personally I think they are equally worthless in the stellar amount of JackS--t, but maybe someone might know a more scientific answer. Cheers!
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