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frustrated of not matching repeatedly? please read - whiteangel

Very practical & well thought out - this is your back up plan & I admire you for putting it out there for other applicants who are interested in the same.
GBY (God Bless you)!!!

Applicants who have done MBBS, can practice medicine in many countries with that degree. However, there are other IMGs who have put in 8 years of their lives(& taken heavy loans) to finish their undergrad & MD. If they do not match, they cannot practice as doctors, they have to look at other options!

@whiteangel: I am sorry if I let you feel low. I can understand opinions might change with time.
could you please share your YOG and credentials. that would be helpful for new bee like us?
Hi whiteangel,

Thank you very much for sharing your story. I can definitely imagine how difficult and frustrating it was for you to not match into residency but I'm very glad to see that you found something you like and moving on. I was actually thinking of getting into a PA program myself in case, worst case scenario, I'm not able to get into residency at all. I was wondering if any of your friends or relatives know about your decision and what do they think about it? Do they ever show any signs of disappointment or ask you things like why not try to become a doctor again? I'm worried that I may possibly go through this if I, in fact, do end up getting into a PA program. I spoke to a family physician I know about this lately and he strongly encouraged me to keep pursuing residency, saying 'why would you go for something less if you could be a doctor'. Of course, being happy with your profession is very important. However, the pressure from friends and family in becoming a doctor is extremely overwhelming to me. I was wondering how you're dealing with this, if you don't mind sharing with us.
@serendepity There is nothing degrading about any profession. Yes I am in agreement, you should go back to your country as you do not meet the requirements to be a resident in the USA.

@hopetomatchsoon I believe your family/friends would be supportive instead of "showing signs of disappointment"
@serendepity It is ironic that you would call this country "stupid" and the people running the medical system "Bas***ds". A while ago you were at a US counselor post and begging them "please give me visa", then you cam here and found out that maybe you are not able to compete and so have changed your tune. I think your idea of going back is good, for your sanity at least.
brt: u r rite on it...this guy who was doing intervent rad is also American, white with lots of contact and other hospitals who beg him to join the same level..they also go true the same bs...u get better options/jobs or working at luxurious wards(which land u more money $$$) if u r Amrcican grad white...dan immigrant/ect. well, i met couple of Spanish ppl who cud hardly get temporary jobs at peds(more work load and is paid less). well, lets do our best and hope someone gives us a chance where w dream! happy new yr and gl to all.
Your post here is very helpful for those who wants to pursue other options and PA no doubt is a very good one. We appreciate your effort and congratulations in getting in PA program. But if you are able to mention few more things it will help a lot for others to decide.
1)Like you said some of the credits were transferred, I have seen that with students who have done undergrad (bachelors) here in US, so were you an U.S undergrad when you applied?
2) How long did it take you to complete your prerequisites?
3) How many PA programs did you apply, how many iv did you get? Were you able to get in single application season?
Yes, I believe every pa program is different and its better to approach each program directly, but yours story too will help us figure out things in general for imgs.
Thank you and Happy new year to all. GL
Good luck whiteangel

You are brave for doing what you need to for yourself and for your family. PA have satisfying jobs. With your knowledge and background, you will make a great one.
@step3q thanks and good luck t you too


1.No I did not do Undergrad in USA. All my degrees for which I got credentials were from my country.

2.Bcoz my credential transcript showed that I was 'MD equivalent' in US, I was waived most of the pre-requistes required by the program.You should send all your report cards from medical school for the credentialing company. I sent high school, all medical school report cards and ECFMG certificate.
I had to do only 3 subjects/9 credits( took 6 months for that).

3.I applied to 4 programs only.( wanted to stay close with my family here)

Got 2 interviews.( every program wanted me to do different pre-requistes, thats the bad part!! so I could not complete all pre-requistes. I decided to complete the preqs from program in which I had more chance to get).

4.Yes I was able to get in single application season.

Things which helped me to get into the program :

My hands on US clinical experience and good recommendations letters from US Physicians
Personal statement ( not be neglected)
Interview ( They will see how sure are u of your decision, reasons why u want to change careers now? how will u cope?).
Good GRE scores( though not all programs need it)

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