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physician Assistant career - sarah2014
wow!! there are so many of us here.
Sorry for bothering you like this chicagogal.
I do not want to spend more money on it if this is that bad.
I sure can understand their dilemma with us passing the exams.
@chicagogal please can you explain and forward the mail to me too.. I will be greatful. Thanks.
My email id: aceusmle1@gmail. Com
@chicagogal can u pls send to me as well? email: sunshine_to_eternity, thanks will appreciate it Smile
Hey there, sorry I was away for a while.
I went through the PA route last year after going through the disappointment of getting unmatched.
First of all, they have several prerequisites courses that you need to finish before even to be eligible to apply for a PA position. Some of these are basic Anatomy, Biochem, Physiology which we did in our first year of Med-School. Now the problem here is they need these courses to be as recent as five years(for most of the universities) which is impossible because my Med school was itself for 5years and I would not aim for PA right after med school. So, basically these pre-requisites courses needs to be repeated or done before application of PA. They need Psychology also which is must for most of them. So bare in mind the exenses and time to finish these courses before thinking of PA.
Most need GRE n TOEFL , WES evaluation transcripts which we need with most of these Masters courses nowadays.
Three letter of recommendations specific to PA. observership under a PA which is more difficult than getting under a MD. Application is expensive. Each program cost 35$ for its application through a portal similar to ECFMG known as CASPA. Most program don't give you any special consideration even if you are a MD from your country. Infact, I read on forums that they are not a big fan of IMGS.
Baylor University allows ecfmg certified physicians to apply without pre-requisite courses. I could apply to it via CASPA in Sep but got rejection from them in Jan.
In short, its not impossible but it is difficult, arduous and expensive too and very similar to residency application. I was still ver new to the process and I did it by myself so I am not the best person to give you all perfect advice. Just sharing my experience.
I know how hard it is for us as a MD to just wait for the match every year. I am thinking of applying for MPH this year. All your advice on MPH would be highly appreciated. Did anyone of you or friends applied for MPH and if it helped for residency application??
Chicagogal, thank you for this detailed message.
Did you apply to only Baylor?
At this point, I am considering PA as my back plan.BTW, I have heard many stories here about people matching with MPH degree
I have still not given up trying for residency. If that fails, I believe that I should have some find of back up plan to establish myself here.
Do a lot of research in the area that you want to take the masters degree.
Few of the choices are MPH, MHA, Masters in psychology,PA, NP
If anyone knows more, they can add on.
Yes, unfortunately, as I could not afford to take those prerequisite courses. I could apply to Baylor only.
I am thinking of doing MPH and do research in the same hospital with a residency program. I have heard ppl saying stick to one hospital and make good contacts. Don't know what could help but I just want to keep trying till I get in.
Hi chicagogal. Can you tell me why it's tough for Foreign MD's to get into PA school. My email address is chandravi1982.
Hey everyone. I am completely lost and I don't know what to do. Can someone shed some light on me and tell me what my options are. I am basically an American who graduated from a foreign medical school 6 years ago. Since graduating med school I have been working to support myself and studying for the USMLE exams. I passed the Step 2 CS exam on first attempt but failed USMLE step 1. I feel heart broken and I don't know what to do. I am considered an old graduate now and it's only going to get tougher for me to get into Residency. I am seriously considering an alternate career path. Can someone tell me what my possible career paths could be. Can I get an admission into PA school? I would be very thankful to any advice.
Dear friend, please be warned.

A PA school is not a school for MD grads without residency.

I know some American Born colleagues who are PAs. Their administration hardly (and I truly mean hardly) ever take foreign grads.

Instead they want fresh graduates from USA undergraduate colleges.

not IMGs like us, and those who did not match.

Do not take the PA route lightly. If you must spend the money to apply there, please make sure your application stands out, and you have a reason to apply other than *I did not match MD*

You understand?

I am a foreign med graduate had completed all my steps in 2011 with average score applied twice , did not get in, so chose a PA route , as for now I am in first year of PA school It is hard to get in but not impossible, try to look for schools which can help you lower your prerequisite , if you need advice send me a email my adree is parulmamgain11, will try to help , I can understand the pain.
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