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Resist. This is not normal. - nanaki
Until very recently, US residency was not recognized in India(because Indian residency is not recognized in US) so this has never been the track chosen by most Indian imgs. Most imgs had j1 visas and they were chucked out after their term, but majority stayed back. Some posters seems to hold a lot of grudge towards Indians. Whatever your perception about us 'lesser humans' may be, brace yourself because significant proportion of attending are of Indian origin. Its better to be little less judgemental for your own sake.
About residency, I'm almost convinced the doors are completely closed for non us imgs. All our fears will be confirmed in a few days and we can put an end to all the speculation. There are several other pathways with usmle scores and we can explore that if this doesn't work. So don't worry a lot, non us imgs. After all, it is not an ideal scenario to push ourselves in to a country amidst colleagues that simply doesn't know our worth.
It may sound tacky, but not everything is a struggle for money. It has to do with exchange of knowledge and making world a better place. Some of you have issues with us not returning to home country, some with returning, the public sentiment is quite clear, eliminate any possible competition. For years, we have brought with us our specific skill set and have modified it with best technology exposure and tried to incorprate that in to practice, not just benefiting Indians or Americans but global citizens. Its a loss and a shame , not just at our end.
Soon enough, we will move away, so will any international student, but everything might change again after 8 years. I had huge respect for the country with someone like Obama, at its top. I'm not sure if any for us would want to immigrate anymore, given the trend moving towards white supremacy. Good luck guys! Thanks for all your warning and reasonings. Its after all a game of convenience for you but for us, we would want to be somewhere safe that would actually value us and want us.
@ nanaki
You should not be a doctor with that kind of language, shame on you....
goalmle1: Probably very few. if you don't get paid and you have to pay for training, fees would probably be astronomical for a foreign physician.

1. Great, very humane of you.

2. The US invests in people through debt? Why not invest in people by churning out more doctors lowering tuition costs or giving lower rate loans, or even better, helping people pay those loans. The need for loans comes from for-profit institutions and not from the government motivating people to go out there to become doctors.

3.Again, wrong. Countries do not paid based on what you paid for medical school. It is not an equal retribution system. It depends essentially on the economy of such country. Did you know that you could go to medical school basically for free or with stupid low tuition in certain south american countries?

4. And you will make it better by preventing IMGs from joining the system?

The H1B issue will cause chaos. Yes, you can trust your shiny fuhrer with fixing things around, he will wreck this country and drive the economy to hell. Remember my words when you have to pledge allegiance to his regime instead of your flag.

By the way, according to you, the 133k+ I paid in taxes last year do not mean anything, the many, many, MANY lives I saved or improved do not count, and I do not contribute to the system at all.
I support the US, I pay my taxes, I pay debt faster than others do and also contribute to building this country which is also my home whether nationalists like you like it or not.
Some of the smartest and most educated people are of indian decent. Like I said i think it is very wrong to undermine someone because of their ethnic, race, or religious background. If we do this then we are not american and we truly do not understand what american stands for. No human is lesser than another human. Like I said everyone has a right to happiness.

Unfortunately if you look at last years financial reports, it shows indian people in the US sent more US dollars to India than any other country combined in the world and that has been the trend for many many years. These individuals are making a great living here but then taking the money they make and not investing it in america. This is dragging our country and the economy. Which makes it harder for us to open more opportunities to our future generations.

I don't believe the doors are completely closed for non-US citizens IMG's but it will get a lot harder to come to the US now especially because of the way things are now.

Yeah everything may not be a struggle for money but without money there is no healthcare system, no gov, no protection, no freedom, no opportunity, no life. So yes we must have stabilization in order to make a difference in the world and our country and there must be strict regulations in order to lead us all to a brighter future.
@nedi292: Racists, bigots, homophobes and everyone discriminating based on religion, race, sex or country of origin do not deserve any kind of respect. Every single FU(#ING human being is born the same as everyone else.

If a few words make you feel outraged instead of what is going on out there, then you are probably the one that doesn't have the right kind of moral compass to be a doctor.

1. Yes the US invest it's money in its citizens by offering loans to pay for school. if they didn't then people like me wouldn't have been able to go to medical school and I am forever grateful to be an american.

2. The Education System is a huge part of the economy so yes it is influenced by tuition, loans, and grants given and received.

3. It will help decrease the doctor shortage by regulating IMG from using our system for their advantage without contributing to our country. But we need all the willing IMG doctors we can accept in this country as long as they understand that to come work here you must put in to the country as much as the citizens have.

Wow you paid 133k in taxes last year, that is amazing you are probably are doing financially well and I congratulate you on that and am glad to here that you are contributing to the country where you are making that money.

I am not sure why you are personally trying to attack me. I am just trying to make a point if we all work together we can build a great future for us and our families but we need people that are committed to our country.
I've no idea about the financial reports, but I do think its a good trend if immigrants from a country decides to boosts its economy. For all I know, India is a developing country and the poverty is heart wrenching. If theres a helping hand extended from people of Indian origin in the west, that would be all the more admissible. Gum ball illustration is something people often quote to point that world poverty is not solved by immigration. If the stats you give are true, that really does give some hope, even in a lop sided system which tends to have swayed away from its socialist principles.
Personally for me, I'm looking to train in a specialiity that has no more than two training centres in my home country. This would give me a chance to be exposed to the latest in my field of interest and truly make a difference in the lives of people in underprivileged communities. Not everyone is fortunate to worry about the debts and education, there are people striving for a days meal. In a country like that, indivdualised healthcare is not understood and only with training from advanced centers can that be incorporated in to the system. I feel very strongly for the kind of training I'm looking for and I believe it will give me seasoned exposure and superior insights, which will be of great advantage in marginalized communities. That's the whole point of j1 training, help to seek knowledge and permit cultural exchange. During residency I am paid, may be a 50000 per year and with taxes cut, I'm making no fortune. Its true residency in India pays a 12,000 $ per year and you may assume that's why its become very attractive for us. But accomdation and other expenses costs us maximum for 100$ in India. My point being, we are not taking away anything, only basic survival costs are met after rent, daily meal and other unavoidable daily expenses. If I'm selected for a position and if I work from 8-8, I feel its acceptable to expect basic survival means. We are not trying to loot you. Inspire of this, most of the residents make it a point to send in enough money back to their parents or siblings in India, hoping they have chance at survival and education. That's how our system works. We don't have access to students loans usually and its parents saving penny for us education being used up. I was selected in merit list to an private indian instituition where I paid close to 30,000 $ for 6 years of my training. I know that's a trivial amount in united states, but that's our entire life's saving. So its not entirely true that we are in debt. Its true education costs close to 6000$ in government institutions but that's the top 500 ranks in 1 million people getting there. They're the cream, quite extraordinary brains and its not always reachable.Now even if we want to seek post graduation training in India, we are most unable too. Almost 20000 people write an exam for 100 to get in. We're not coming over to snatch your opportunities but because we really don't have an option. I know there's so much statistics, but we are beyond helpless, that's the reason historically America or other countries have accomdated us.
American economy is not comparable to India and I understand it is with the efforts of its people, it has stabilized over time. But to maintain governemt, security, safety, economy, isn't health the fundamental factor? Shouldn't that be your citizens basic right?shouldnt the urge to drive us out be ideally focused on physician shortage? Is the general well being of american population or personal convenience to have access to residency positions the compelling factor here. We bring in a different skill set, a level of dexterity that is attained only with exposure to the wide array of tropical diseases we manage every day, every call. We have worked with a range of cases, circumstances with no attrndings or resources or floor nurses and thats one reason we have advantage training especially in internal medicine. Is it fair to deprive your population of that advantage, just because we invest back in India or for any personal reasons? Isn't a win-win for both sides ultimately? Medicine is not about it grabbing a residency spot and having a 6 figure paycheck. It does come at the expense of sacrifice, dedication and commitment to serve. To quote aamc CEO Darell kirch 'Our ability to attract top talent from around the world also enriches the research laboratories at medical schools and teaching hospitals that are working toward cures and has helped position the U.S. as a global leader in medical research, strengthening our economy and bolstering the public's health' Is that worth to sabotaged for whatever reasons you may believe in? A community only progresses with the best talents in it. With an attitude that makes foreign allies and its citizens irked, a community will only regress down to deep pits of recession. Us constitution has existed for a long time with its diverse workforce. It certainly didn't being on Jan 20 2017 and these 10 days have started to define what America feels for us. I'm not sure if anyone would want to be there anymore.
nanaki, you are a rasict and a fascist. You shouldn't be a doctor with that sort of language. I hope you'll be deported! This country needs good people, and you are not the one.
And newmd2016- I had to tell you something out of context. You totally inspired me to continue my usmle journey with an earlier post of yours. I have a low step 1 score and fact that you redeemed with step 2ck is pretty impressive, so congrats.I was hoping to follow in that track

Don't ever give up you will have many opportunities soon. As humans I believe we all have the right to success, freedom, and achieve our dreams. I totally understand what you mean by supporting family back home and being there for your loved ones and our community. Don't worry brother things will get better this is politics just keep pushing yourself and you will look back and be happy.

Thank you I am glad I inspired you. Don't let the low step 1 score define you. The challenges that you overcome define who you will be in life. Success and happiness is earned and if you want something that bad nothing can get in the way. The only person holding you back from doing what you want is yourself. Always think positive and do everything in your power to lead your life in the direction you want. We would be lucky to have all you hard working and intelligent people from other parts of the world working and growing with our communities here in the US. God bless you all. I wish you all the best.
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