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Guys who are taking test in August please gather? - swani
.....planning in Aug middle.
How many days will it take 4 Kap q bank?
Been through U world.
revising MTB , U world.
swani,flower? anybody?
count me in guys
100 questions a day of kaplan q bank will be done in 11 days and then revise wrong questions.
can anybody here help me chose Kaplan lecture notes step 2 ck vs step 3 vs Kaplan medical USMLE master the boards? in order to get a good score!
Thanks much guyz
I did kaplan usmle step3 and doing mtb along with it. In end I will just do Mtb and my notes.
Good morning guys.

Plan to do 100 usmle questions and two topics from Swanson. One chapter from mtb.
good plan swani...keep going Smile
NEED MOTIVATION from u guys. i'm awaiting for cs result. With unsecured feeling after CS and my active 1 year old, I couldn't concentrate on step 3. Starting to do UW offline. Dont know whether I should subscribe online version before I get my cs result. Any advice, pl?
Thanks Goodness !!!

and Nang wait for Cs results and do offline version. When you get your cs result go for online subscription for q bank,ccs cases and self assessment test.

Also Jame12 I have no idea on Philli center. Ask someone who has taken test over there or go see nearby centers yourself.

Good luck guys we should keep studying until we are done with last usmle step.
do the offline , bc u wont be conceterating til u hear your result, why waste money?
good luck with cs,
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