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NBME#2 block 1 Q1-----------Q50 - maryam2009
hey fcbarcelona u continue -ill go for some food..;ill take over oncs u tiered Wink
@ maryam2009

Q number 18.
pt's presenting with malaise, fatigue, anorexia 3 months after getting fired, GGT is increased.

although you "the doctor" knows increased GGT means drinking problem, the pt doesn't know that you know !

How much do you drink in a typical week?
is there sth else you have not told me so far?

Well, i guess the best answer to start would be, do you drink? but that's not a given choice.
i guess, the second choice, would be better, although it COULD be a yes/no Q.
27. C.

Eye blinking (corneal) reflex: afferent V, efferent VII

in the Q: stimulating L eye -> no response, stimulating R eye -> response in both eyes.

that means: the efferent of both eyes are normal, the afferent of the R is normal and the L afferent is affected.

it's just biotin deficiency.

I think the pt informed the docter about his job's losing and his situation.and he is come to the doc. office by himself,and is seeking for getting help and it seems there is no hidden issue
please confirm the answer.Thank you
Q 28. D

"EB virus enters the body through the mouth and establishes a productive infection in the pharyngeal epithelial cells. B-cells become infected and are disseminated throughout the body via the bloodstream."

Q29. B

Duchenne's muscular dystrophy:
- onset before age 5
- X-linked frame-shift mutation--> deletion of Dystrophin gene
- muscle weakness- pelvic girdle muscles-->progresses superiorly
- fibrofatty replacement of muscles--> pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles
- cardiac myopathy
30 -indirectly asking effect of cirrhosis - ee which is portal HTN
31- dd
A thyroglossal duct cyst (TGDC) is the most common mass found in the midline of the neck. The mass is usually located at or below the level of the hyoid bone, although a TGDC can be located anywhere from the foramen cecum to the level of the thyroid gland.

The most common locations for a thyroglossal cyst is midline or slightly off midline, between the isthmus of the thyroid and the hyoid bone or just above the hyoid bone. A thyroglossal cyst can develop anywhere along a thyroglossal duct, though cysts within the tongue or in the floor of the mouth are rare.

A thyroglossal cyst will move upwards with protrusion of the tongue.

Thyroglossal cysts are associated with an increased incidence of ectopic thyroid tissue. Occasionally, a lingual thyroid can be seen as a flattened strawberry-like lump at the base of the tongue

Treatment for a thyroglossal cyst is surgical resection, often requiring concomitant removal of the midsection of the hyoid bone (Sistrunk procedure), to prevent recurrence.

some definations

•Fistula - Epithelial-lined tract with both an internal and an external opening
•Sinus - Incomplete fistula with either an internal or an external opening
•Cyst - Epithelial-lined cavity with neither an internal nor an external opening


Thyroglosal duct cyst ia a cystic MIDLINEmass that is close or within the hyoid bone and moves with the swallowing while Branchial cleft cyst is located in the ANTEROLATERAL neck

The thyroglossal duct is an embryological anatomical structure forming an open connection between the initial area of development of the thyroid gland and its final position.

The thyroid gland starts developing in the oropharynx in the fetus and descends to its final position taking a path through the tongue, hyoid bone and neck muscles. The connection between its original position and its final position is the thyroglossal duct. This duct normally atrophies and closes off before birth but can remain open in some people
Q31. D
Tyroglossal duct cyst- moves with swallowing
- midline of the neck
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