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Number of applications have risen this year again. - matchmaker2007

Her accent of course!

You goat!
U are AMG
my cousin is an AMG,went for last year match>>applied to 16 IM university programs,didnot know anyone in these programs ,got IV in 10>>went for 4>>got matched in his 1st choice
his USMLE scores were 84/89
so do u think,he need to read whole this thread
It's a foreigner can make these assumptions...don't judge the people if you don't want to be judge idiot!!!

Where are you from?

Please do not be angry with me.

Doen't matter where Im from...but I disklike very much when people makes some racial comments...If you had a bad experince w/ a PC it doesn't have to do with the color of her skin...

I see you are most likely African-American.

What I said is true............she was quite rude on the doubt....and is not

Think what you're still making assumptions for what you read or hear...
I've never said you didn't told the true. and that the pc did to you was dout either...just keep your racial comments with you...

Full Metal Jacket was set in Vietnam... not China

Where to begin my friend. First of all I never said FMGs are bad. I said the training I got in a foreign medical school did not prepare me for practicing medicine in the US. The US is a modern practical education system.

See in the US we have cardiologists and echo cardiograms. Further more when you get into private practice you are going to be under such pressure you won't fiddle with arcane physical exams. If you have a neuro problem you will consult a neurologist. You won't spend 30 mins doing a complete neurological exam on a patient when you are in FP or general IM.

I don't care what country your in. A lot of the parlor trick physical exam stuff has been superseded by technology in the US. Why go through a full chest exam when you are going to get a chest xray anyway? In Europe I do all the time wasting physical exam garbage. but in the US I just have a cursory listen to the lung fields and wait for the Xray in non emergent situations.

Besides a lot of that physical sign stuff is obscured in our pt population. Have you ever felt a liver in a 300 lb woman? How about assessing a JVP in a 350 lb man? I don't know about you but I don't make calls on raise inter cranial pressure based on looking at someones retina. I use a CT.

Well my friend you can blaze your own trail, but my advice is since you are coming from an almost 3rd world country you should do everything to preemptively avoid any stigma. Learn to use the technology and leave the parlor tricks at home.

i accept the differences that exist in practising medcine in different parts of the world but what is really alarming is your attitude dude. one request kindly dont take IM. u will probably end up killing people with ur license.

1. there is no harm in performing a good physical after taking a satisfactory history, time permitting. these basics are always useful even if you have MRI in your hand.

2. if u r going to listen to the lungs or anything else as a courtesy better drop it. there is no use with that attitude to examination. u will probably not find even if something is present

3. ofcourse ct scan will give u the reason for ICP but only through history and physical will u doubt such a process in existence. and to prove it u ct again is not useful and u will need LP to measure pressure.

so my friend try to develop a better attitude so that u find most things in life useful. or else u will probably have the same opinion about us after 3 years in residency.
once again pls dont take IM
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