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Unmatched Carribean Grads: gather here - carribeangrad
@drfp: Of course why I forget, being a US citizen doesn't mean that English is your first language. You guys are as much desi, even more than many back home...(No offense IMGs, I am a desi myselfSmile

SO let me put it in simple language: I believe Caribbean students are as intelligent as IMGs.
And if you feel you are far superior than IMGs and should be given preference, ask your govt to change the laws....Do not cry out here....

The only reason why some guy is matched and you are not is coz he/she is better than you...Be it caribbean/IMG or watever....

1. Who am I? pahology11
2. Why do people send me emails? I dont ask why they send, but I do get emails all the time...May be people just like to write me for whatever their reasons are. I try to answer all of them. I believe I owe 2 emails to two people that I know I could not reply one month ago. I was just very busy, then their questions became obsolete. I apologize them.
3.The moderator is laughing! Hi Mod! I am not a moderator, but some people believe that I am for whatever reason is. I wish I was. I would have deleted my dear asifali's posts...see???? I am not a moderator!!!
4. I am a giving person. Even people who stabbed me in the back, get help from me. This is unconditional altruism on my behalf. No one understands, but I do. No I am not perfect, I just believe that everyone deserves a good friend. I am hoping that I am one, thats all.
5. My matching last year is nothing to do with my answers. I just tell people what I know and I share everything I know. I dont promise residency to anybody except my be to Bumba, LOL
6. Carib grads or none Carib grads...does that really matter? who cares who is smarter? who cares who is better? and who cares who deserves a spot because of the school they graduated from?
I get more emails from non Carib grads, I dont discriminate and share what I am know...I have been lucky in my life. I got some help from some people that I really appreciated...I dont know why they helped me, they just did...
7. Although I have red hair, I love the black hair, the blond, the curly and the good my fellows...
Ha Ha ha.Now I must say I am amused.
I just want to ask some simple questions here.

1) Why did all carrib students went to these carrib schools? Is it not becasue they never were competitve enough to be in American medical schools? Or is it because they liked beaches and warm weather and wanted to have an extended holiday? Please show me at least one Carrib grad who went to carribean school inspite of securing admission in an American school, because he/she thought it was academically better. (Let me simplify so you dont have to stress your brains. Choose between a low ranking American School admission and admission in a good carrib school)

2)How many of you have given any qualifying exams like M CAT?

3) If your parents could not afford to pay those huge sums ( around2,50,000 $ I guess), do you think you ever had a realistic chance of calling yourself a doctor?

4)Dp you think the reports suggesting poor outcome of carrib grads in the US health care (all prepared by US agencies) are doctored?

Just to clarify the Attitude issue...we save patients through our knowledge, expertise and acumen, not only through good communication; though it is equally important. And if it did not occur to you ever till now, these all are functions of human intellect. In this very thread I have witnessed clear signs of intellectual inferiority, you guys cant even put up a fair argument.

I am not telling you all you are good for nothing. I am sure some of you will suceed in something or other. The very fact that you could afford being in a carrib school implies ability on part of your parents to financially support you, so venture in to something that you are good at. Medicine is not your cup of tea. You wont make it.
Good thing we Americans get federal loans (benefits of being a citizen unlike yourself). Also cool that we Americans will always get preference over scum like you Smile

you should be busy working on changing your attitude, otherwise, you will be kicked out from the program back where you came from

one, most of us did not get money from our parents. We worked, saved, got loans and busted humps to make it.
two, most Carib school do require MCAT. I know I took it.
another two, why did we go to Carib med school? For the same reasons you went to Indian, Pakistani, Italian, Russian, Turkish med schools.
three, if Carib grads are not competitive, why dont you just ignore the bast*rdos? seriously, it is time now, or dont tell to any other soul anymoreSmile
four, most Carib students are children of Indian doctors (LOLOLOL. I have never understood this but it is true.... except me. My parents were neither Indian nor doctors. I know youa re gonna hate me more nowSmile)
five, according to the statistics, Carib grads are acing the Match. You accept it or not otherwise there would not be any nasty discussions here..

But cool down people....humans are humans...they all bleed red yours is not any redder than my Carib fellows.

be good y'all!
@yogim1982 - 03/20/12 21:42:


1) Why did all carrib students went to these carrib schools? Is it not becasue they never were competitve enough to be in American medical schools? Or is it because they liked beaches and warm weather and wanted to have an extended holiday? Please show me at least one Carrib grad who went to carribean school inspite of securing admission in an American school, because he/she thought it was academically better. (Let me simplify so you dont have to stress your brains. Choose between a low ranking American School admission and admission in a good carrib school)

Some of us Competitive and others not so much.


You do know the AMG's think your inferior and could not hack it in a US school. Act like this and you will lose

2)How many of you have given any qualifying exams like M CAT?


3) If your parents could not afford to pay those huge sums ( around2,50,000 $ I guess), do you think you ever had a realistic chance of calling yourself a doctor?

Most students in US use the federal loan system and our debts are between 150 to 250,000 USD

4)Dp you think the reports suggesting poor outcome of carrib grads in the US health care (all prepared by US agencies) are doctored?

LOL where are these supposed reports since I have never ever read even one, its myth made up so yes they are a fantasy, most "Bad doctors" are IMG's or AMG's who commit Medicare fraud and malpractice. WOW have some real proof before posting trash

Just to clarify the Attitude issue...we save patients through our knowledge, expertise and acumen, not only through good communication; though it is equally important. And if it did not occur to you ever till now, these all are functions of human intellect. In this very thread I have witnessed clear signs of intellectual inferiority, you guys cant even put up a fair argument.

You are so full of it, I have been a practicing RN for over 20 years in the USA and your really off base, Patients are now "Guests" in the hospitals and customer service type of healthcare is of the 21st century, look you think you know what your typing, I really know since I'm working it everyday.

No you are not superior as you suppose........Funny and sad really

I am not telling you all you are good for nothing. I am sure some of you will suceed in something or other. The very fact that you could afford being in a carrib school implies ability on part of your parents to financially support you, so venture in to something that you are good at. Medicine is not your cup of tea. You

People who act like this end up where they deserve
i cant believe this! it meant to spend time and energy to help eachother....wht is all these crap going to do to help us to match?
PEACE! cant u plz ignore distractions!
I love that this is not "My country" BS coming from someone who needs a VISA


Like I know have to post my family immigrated in 1830 from Ireland and then say "Right its not my country"

If we are going to start this stupid path, then hardly anybody is a native of a country since Lucy is from the African continent.......stupid argument and goes nowhere

The USA is also the country of people who became citizens a year ago.

So if these people just graduated medical school with me then yes, I agree they should expect their Country, the USA to match them first too.

I'm consistent with my feelings and not discriminating I think those of us already citizens should be in line first since we already live here and are apart of the culture.

I understand its the same all around the world, citizens first, for some reason when it comes to the USA the world expects us to ignore our citizens and see all as equal, double standards as always

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