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Number of applications have risen this year again. - matchmaker2007
I agree with americaisshit... history and PE will never be replaced by latest technologies...I don't know where usapplicant have studied medicine but in US they still perform History and physical even when they have modern technologies...
i have not spent much time in usa but from americans visiting this forum i suppose the united states of A is a very intolerant racist place with an air superiority even when hypoxic and total ignorance about self and others to the extent that these people really seem to be believeing the world to be existing only between new york and los angels.

friends is it the same over the whole of usa or is it just a berkson's bias (sample error) in this forum?

Nice straw man routine. I never said not to take a Hx. I made several valid points that anyone in an American hospital for five minutes would easily concur with. I noticed you didn't even bother to address those valid points. Instead you decide to go on about something that was never mentioned.

Learn the difference between a history and a physical exam. It will serve you and your patients well in the future.

I'm in medical school in Europe. And my criticism of foreign medical school is based on my experiences in Europe. The majority of Americans are of European descent. So I don't know how my criticism of a European medical school is RACIST?!?! But thank you for your needlessly inflammatory rant.

So I guess because we are Americans we can't criticize anything that is foreign? I've made several criticisms of the American medical system and the ECFMG but no one called me RACIST then.

In my last post I implied the American patient population was more obese than the patient population in your country, which I'm sure would offend a lot of overweight people in America. Did everyone come on this forum and scream that I was an ignorant RACIST?!?!

Okay, I think I see how it works. Everyone can dump on America (even thought they are selling their 1st born son to get training here), but God forbid an American makes a valid observation about someone else's country. Then they are an ignorant RACIST?!?!

Amazing. Yes of course. With YOUR attitude I would love to go to you as a doctor.

By the way one of the ignorant racist medical schools in America called UCLA has an acupuncture course for doctors They probably have it because they are ignorant RACIST people that only like things discovered in America.
Weren't you usaapplicant who said you were afraid to see patients even after passng easily all the boards?? correct me if im wrong...Why would you be afraid my friend?
I also was in Europe and I've seen medical students to give importance and due time to H and PE..that's why I was wondering where did you study..
I don't know where US doctors spend 5 minutes with least in those hospital where I had the opportunity to see them...they spent at least 40-50 minutes with every patient
really wondering whether this guy knows english or not. its suppose to be their native tongue but i feel IMGs give more due to the language.

to quote myself, i had rather asked " friends is it the same over the whole of usa or is it just a berkson's bias (sample error) in this forum? " believing somebody would answer either yes or no but this guy is just beating around the bush. more like Mr. bush without doubt. morons.

the problem is less with american criticism of the rest of the world than with intolerance americans have for others criticism. a optimistic approach to criticism is to analyse and improve if there is any truth in it. frankly how many americans can take critical comments about themselves. i have had very few interactions with americans and most of them were dismal is interpersonal relationships. these people were very clannish and never took comments well. with that little experience i thought of asking people who knew better but again this usapplicant is taking it badly. cant help this guy but the sad plight is he may get a residency with ease than most of us when its obvious that he is nothing but a moron.

I can't reveal the exact locaiton of my training. It was 1st world Western Europe.

During my training I felt that talking to patients was used as a way to get rid of medical students. Instead of having them scrub in and do procedures you spent endless hours taking excruciatingly detailed histories and doing arcane physical exams.

In private practice medicine you will NOT have time to spend 40-50 mins with a patient. The economics just don't allow it. I want to go into private practice in the United States. So my training was inadequate for that. Anyone that took the USMLE CS and did a "proper" Hx and physical exam failed the thing. But I can tell you the CS does accurately reflect certain aspects of medicine in America.

In teaching hospitals you have fellows, residents, and medical students to gather all this data. In private practice its just you. Frankly if you are a good doctor and you notice some neurological signs you will refer. Doctors get into too much trouble because they think they know EVERYTHING. Unfortunately that is how medical school is taught. Medicine is getting more specialized. People should stick to their field and refer everything else beyond the basic HTN, diabetes, cough/cold, etc. And for heaven's sake use the technology.

The chest Xray makes a lot of stethoscope work obsolete. It doesn't take a genius to hear abnormal breath sounds. But this tactile fremitus BS is just too much.

If the ticker looks suspect I will refer to a cardiologist.

Look at what the Medicare reimbursement rates are. Then check out the price of an EMR system, office rent, electricity, staff salaries, malpractice insurance, phones, etc and tell me how anyone is supposed to make ends meet with 40-50min patient encounters.
I don't know every hospital in America or Europe..I'm just saying that I haven't seen what you saw in my little experience...
Also Im not pushing you to disclose you're medical school...anyway everyone has his standpoint in this matter

Why would you go to a country where you detest the people? Is your country so wretched that you would leave it to go to a horrible place like America? Please do yourself, me, and other FMGs a favor and go home.

americaisshit you have only been to America for a few months. I grew up in America and did most of my training overseas. Plus I have numerous members of my family who trained in American and a couple of other continents, so I think based on life experience my resume seems to indicate that I am better traveled and less ignorant that yourself.

I come out strong in defense of America because to tell you the truth we are not proud people. We do not go to other countries and presume to know everything about the place. I was constantly surprised by how much supposedly educated Europeans seemed to think they knew about America especially when they had never been there. After years of this you are right I don't tolerate unfounded criticism.

Other countries don't have to put up with criticism because we don't criticizes them constantly. You just insulted our president. Have I insulted the leaders of your country? No. But whenever there is a lull in conversation with an ignorant foreigner they inevitably start Bush bashing.

I criticized the disproportionate amount of time spent on physical exams at the expense of other more useful clinical skills. And of course that resulted in me being called a RACIST and a hearty round of Bush basing... makes sense I guess. I like millions of people didn't vote for him and like 70+% don't approve of the job he's doing, but of course like all ignorant foreigners with a big mouth but nothing to say you have to bring him up in a totally unrelated conversation. You aren't going to endear yourself to any PDs during interviews. You should just withdraw your ap now and free up some spots for foreigners that have a clue. Lord knows there are more of them out there than despicable people like you.

By the way, thank you for criticizing my command of the English language. I'm not sure where you're from but in many languages we use capital letters to begin our sentences. You have a lot of nerve posting that slop on the 'net and then criticizing people's linguistic and grammatical skills. You are a true hypocrite of the first order.

I don't feel like you are pushing me at all. Just because my application is unique I am reluctant to disclose too much on the internet. I don't take offense at all. I've been honest and said some controversial things and I don't want it to affect my career.

As I stated before I think the whole match process is arbitrary and capricious. Its all based on money and greed. The money and greed mostly being on the side of the applicants. PDs are arbitrary. If a specialty is hot they will start being jerks to applicants. If its dead then they will be super nice. It has nothing to do with patient care or qualifications. In that kind of environment I'm trying to be safe.

I don't see now orthopedic surgery requires more intelligence than IM. But sure enough PDs want AMGs and high scores. IM doesn more for the general populations health but scores are lower. The answer... obviously is orthopedics makes more money.

Its obvious that some of these FMGs detest America. Why do they still apply? The answer... $$$. Its all one big farce.
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