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definition of old IMG??? - usmlechic
please.....I am one of those perfectionist type of people...Why shud I ruin my application when I can do something about it??

I am studying now....So kindly help me by answering my queries....

Thank You very much for all your help.
Sending my good wishes your way.
May all of you get the residency of your choice.
Definitely study first and within reasonable time (generally 1 year - 1.5 years max) be finished with steps 1 and 2/CS.
Your planned time line is good:
Step 1 end of March
CS - at the end of April (apply right now for a CS slot b/c they r tough 2 get_
CK- at the end of July
You can then start on USCE from July '11 giving you something to put on your CV by the time you apply in Sept for the next match.
Mixing a job and usmle studying is difficult.
I agree with successgirl (you tell 'em...)
The goal of this forum is to get a residency (if not, then I don't know what you are doing here). In order to do that you have to sell youself to the program. Ultimatelly it DOES NOT matter what you do as long as you can make yourself look attractive to the program you want.

No USCE, thats fine. Old graduate, thats fine. Low score, thats fine. No job, thats fine. Large gap in my resume, thats fine. All this is fine if you can show the program that you are still a good candiate because of X, Y and Z. But if you can't figure out what X, Y and Z are, then you can be sure the PD won't either.

Just do what you have to do the best way that you can. Get the best scores you can. Get as much USCE as you can when you can. Stop worrying about what you cant change. Then put everything together in the best package you can and sell yourself to the program you want to go to. If there is anything that is not so good, just tell them that that is not an issue because of X, Y and Z.
OMG usmlechic,

you are unbelievably annoying... reminded me about 1 of my friends.
can I do this first? how about this... that... what if?? should I??? too many questions.
just do whatever you want. After all, that's your life!!
Interesting thread....
Btw...why are the people on this side of the forum so rude and frustrated??
I see everyone bashing each other ...just like badusmle just called usmlechic "annoying"...and many other rude posts on other threads on this side of the forum!!
If the questions dont concern you then simply dont answer!!.....Just because somebody's questions are not YOUR problem you cant bash them!!

I also had some similiar questions and after reading this thread I finally got the answers. Thanks a lot for answering some questions that have been put up here.
And we cant do whatever we want!! We have to do what looks good to the PD as long as we are in this game!! Thats why we have to keep our eyes open and ask even for tiny questions!!
I think that you are right that we have to to what looks good to the PD.
But I thhink what many people miss is that we can do something "wrong" or "bad" but if we can make it LOOK good, then that is just as beneficial.

This is what I want to say to usmlechick. In some ways, the ability to make something look good is a very important skill. If we have the skill to take something bad and make it look good, then we can take something good and make it look awesome. In reality that is what we are goind for the PD. We are putting on a show to make ouselves look as attractive to the PD as possible. Take your "mistakes" and " "bad credentials" put them in a pretty package and present it to the PD.

Of course some things are easier to package than others, that is why you have to be smart about what you do. But ulitmately you CAN do what ever you want (or in other words, whatever you think is best).
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