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feeling sad, anxious... - pahology11
yes...I sent you an email promptly.
i didn't get it Sad

lemme check it.

you did not get my email becuase you kept sending me more emails! I saw only the first one and replied it...after that I did not check it.

Unfortunately, the pd looked at it as if cancelled it intentionally. Even though I tried to explain.
I am recovering from cold thanks for asking. But really scared because of one less interview now. Trying to think positive but its hard with this recent blow.
It helps to share with the forum members. I hope you are feeling better.
wow...he did not believe you?

I can relate to that. Actually I had to reschedule one of my IVs b/c I messed up the date creating a conflict with this IV. When I called to the PC she said, when somebody reschedules it, they never show up for an IV!!! I was shocked to hear that since mine was completely a messed up date. She ended up giving me a very unusual date for that department as a solo person. I will see tomorrow how it goes.

I hope though they gave you a new date, did they?

Glad that your cold is getting better.

Thank you, I am feeling ok...I am giving myself psychotherapy...hahahaha
How are you feeling now patho?
PD got upset because this wasa being the last minute cancellation. They won't reconsider. Its okay . Things happen. and happen for a reason I made a mistake and facing the consequences. I hope this little mistake won't cost me another year.
If it ends well I will remember it as a little travel glitch that happened due to bad planning.

thank you buddy...I am ok...

I am a WINNER!!! actually you know what, I always win accept when I loose but who cares when you loose, right?

how are you doing? how are the IVs, prematches, life treating you?

btw, I like the name newsun!

You are preparing for step3, right? Why we don't spend sometime discussing some topics for step 3?
I'm done with it however, I would like to study and refresh my memory!

It will be good !
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