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My prep for the day !! - usres12
goodmorning looks like good day*yawn....wanna go back to sleep!!

@owlcity: hope u enjoyed the movie and the popcorn Smile u ddint waste time yesterday so dont feel guilty ...u earned your fun time by workin hard all day...lets see u do 60 questions today!!

@all..comeon...get up Big Grin
@classymd: keep doing the explanations at the same time..or else it will all pile up!! i did the same mistake and now sufferin!
hi all good morning , i read pharma 1st 2 chapters yesterday but in btw got bored only studying but to do quest lost confidence bcos of forcibly reading from a material previously 2-3 months back which i didnt felt comfortable with so now my mind feels empty with subject .but if i dont do the ques now the days will get wasted , what do u all suggest .

my husband was on his nightshift yesterday so will start studying after preparing brunch

happy studying !!
good morn evreryone ..

@dr-raw , @classymd ,i did enjoy the movie ..


why dont u do the qs and then go back to the LN for each of the topic .. i use to give the test .. then go back to the notes and read about the drug .. then come back to the q and then see what what hints they gave in the q .. and the puzzle seems to be much easier then , and if u go thru the explanations again and again it gets really stronger .. i wd suggest not to just hang on to the notes esp since thats kind of making u tensed about the time too .. keep doing the qs .. use it as a learning tool for sometime until u feel confident

went to gym .. finished break fast and shower .. ready for the day..


ur so right! im trying not to let it pile up! it takes longer too wen u go over them after cuz u dont remember the question so u gotta read it again and try remembering ur thought process! hopefully ill be done by in 2 hrs so i can start more questions lol. hows studying going for u today?
hello everybody,

@owlcity you did great yesterday 50 questions; that's wonderful, best of luck.

@dr-raw don't go back to sleep.......have a great day.

@ uslme2177, when you will start doing the questions you will feel much better and owlcity is right going over the explanations again and again makes it much easier.

@fatemah, asa, i know studying at home is very difficult because i do study at home
and there are so many distractions. I hope you find a good lib.

today i'll try finishing micro from FA and then will start anatomy from tom. would like to ask is kaplan enough for anatomy b/c i remember during my first read i felt like it was not enough.
happy studying.
hi guys....done with 10 questions have to do some errands.. its not so good but i'll try and compensate in the evening..sometimes u just get stuck in the very long explanations for so long Sad

@owl: am gonna start the gym again too..
Hi guys
I have been reading for this exam now on and off for a couple of months but now due to time constraints i have quit my non medicine related job and decided to start reading again i have been doing this regularly since 2nd jan,
I decided to start with Kaplan videos in Physiology
Can any one advise me how many hours of studying per day is beneficial to make good use of my time and pass the exam?
Also is it wise to study the Videos all at once instead of study and then revise each subject with questions from Qbanks?
I do plan on reporting my progress here too
Any advice is welcome

hey guys thought i d just share this wid u guys .. i was getting quite cofused with uw exp so i just made a small table .

1.Ultra Rapid acting--- 15 min 30 min -1hr

2.Regular short
Acting(subcut.) 30min 2-4 hr 6-8 hrs
IV form has
t1/2 of 5 min

( NPH) 1-3hr 6-8 hr 12-16 hr
Lente ----similar to NPH but slightly delayed peak & longer duration of acion than NPH
4 Long acting
. a) Ultralente-- 2 or 4 hr slight peak b/w
Detemir 6 to 8 hr of inject 24 hrs

. b)very long duratn.
Glargine (Lantus) very slow does not peak 18-24 hrs
T/t – DKA
IV fluids,+ insulin + correcting electrolyte imbalances
. Short acting regular insulin, typically given by IV infusions, is preferred for intial management of DKA. After an inital insulin bolus, an iv of insulin is started. The rate of infusion is adjusted to the blood glucose levels.

whoops guys .. the chart got a bit messed up when i uploaded it .

anyway its been a bad day .. didnt study anything ,, worked out too much in the gym after a long long time and got real tired +no proper sleep .. so i dozed off in the morn .. woke up d/t family call .. sometimes its nice to ve bld relations here when u r an IMG . but sometimes they can be such a pain .. another day wasted with family probs ,, wish my mind will be at peace soon .. i wasted a day recently for the same reason .. more to come ..
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