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My prep for the day !! - usres12
Good morning here after two days.
Finished my micro revision and then i took break yesterday.Cooked food the week and had to go in a party so it was good.

i will start revising anatomy today from Kaplan n FA. I will do FA for the first time. and in the end U WORLD.

@dr_raw thanx for asking bSmile
hi done with 10 questions Smile now heading to the gym!!

good u enjoyed step1race...i hate anatomy!!

@classy:morning to u too Smile
Hi every one..
good morning..
I missed this page...My situation is complicated..I have guests by end of this week and they stay in my house till they rent a apartment...I couldn't study bc I should clean my house...
I will strat from tomoroow again...back tomorrow.
Happy studding guyssssssss and pray for m!!!!.....I am so stressfull.....
Today I plan on revising lower limb and thoracic anatomy, dit day 9 and time permitting, 1 block of uw.
gm evryone

good to see starting early here .. i overslept a little .. got up late (tired of my insomnia)
todays my cooking cleaning and laundry day .. just finished my share .. rest for my husband .. starting uw qs now


u are good little early bird .. keep going .. dont stress out too much in the gym like i did yest and then dozed off ..

i can understand ur situation .. i freaked out a few days back thinking of guests on my head during my exams ,, and i wasted a day .. so the best i ll advice is to keep ur cool .. things work out easier if u are cool . that way u think better and mange better ,, thats easier said than done .. but thats what i ve been trying to do ..
hey guys back from the gym and a nice heavy breakfast..haha

@fatemeh..keep workin...atleast take one to two hours of study if u can just be in touch..also u can get up early in morning if u can before everyone wakes take out an hour or so..

@owlcity: finally
done with 10 more...these cardio questions are taking even longer than 2 hours for 10 questions..i just hate cardio...
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did only 10 qs fm morning ..taking a lot of time writing .. and trying to memorise at the same time .. been doing anti hyperlipidemics so many times .. still keep on confusing their mechanisms . wish there was a magic wand i could wave and everything u read once will never go out of my head.. took a walk out cos it looked so nice thru the window .. got freezed to death ..

Started studying just now with incorrect q.
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