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Psychiatry 2008 - psych2008
how amny months of USCS in psych does one need to even consider for an interview. does psych research count. pl answer.
if u do at least 3 months then it will help in majority of the programs...6 months wud be more than sufficent for all but some far as i undrstn the importance is given in the following descending order....externship, observership, research
Hi Pink

I did not get any phone call from Dr Brooks. I did receive an e-mail which she sent without me initiating the dialogue but there was no information on "Rank Order Tier" and the text was good but very non specific.

Keep posting
Apart from this I did received communications from programs that offered me a prematch but right now I don't think I will be able to post that Info.

I also gave a grand round presentation [As part of my current job] at one of the programs I interviewed with and did discuss some of the issues around Matching at that program during the weeks prior and post grand round.

did any one hear from Caritac St.Elizabeth psych program after the IV.
psych2008, plutocupid, cjay, captain, boi_crazy, anyone..

i have a total of 48 seats from 9 programs with 7 of them specifically saying they've ranked me(3 of them v highly according to the PD)..n the other 2 i'm hopeful have ranked me too...what do u reckon are my chances..i applied exclusively in psych..
any sincere response will be appreciated..
thank you very much.
Pink I think you will easily match.

Good Luck
Hi pinktowel, my friend from last year match with the same number of interviews and responses. Im hoping to match also but havent heard from st. francis and albert einstein, though I got a response from texas tech el paso but from the chief resident. Did you also have a ranking email from them, thanks a lot and good luck to all of us! Smile
Pc replied but no ranking email from st. francis FM. The other two are from psych, by the way.
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