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OBGYN applicants gather here - meghaww
Has anyone heard about Western Pennsylvania hospital,Pittsburgh? Please ,any info about them...

Can anyone elaborate on the difference between completing an OBYGYN residency and FP residency with an OB fellowship? Is it the training drastically different? Can you be board certified in OB with FP residency? Thanks
Please start discussion ob good things , so these bad people have no chance to show up on the forum, even if they want. DO good and have good.
HI obgy applicants, pls start discussion about your experiences.
Hey Winterfresh, there's a huge difference between the OB fellowhsip after FP and the OBGYN residency. To beging with, as the name indicates, you'll be doing mostly Obstetrics after the fellowship and the training in GYN surgery is minimun to none. Besides, remember residency is 4 years of OBGYN training and the fellowship is just 1, plus the 6 or so months you do during FP residency. If you were a patient, where would you go to? to the physician that spent 4 years training or to the one with just 1.5 years at most? Having said that, OBGYN doctors make a lot more money just because they are able to do a lot more surgeries than the OB/Family physician. OB fellowship is for Family doctors who pursue a career in an underserved area where it is hard to get a OBGYN, but if you plan to practice in a city with plenty OBGYN it won't work for you.
guys,,,my next interview is in st joseph in chicago,,obgyn,,,
any one can turn some light on the interview process,,,whar kind of question,,or if there is any med questions??
Anyone had interviewed at Beth Israel, Newark or UMDNJ-camden?? I haven't heard from them still...Any input is appreciated!
Hi everyone

Any one interviewed at following places please put some thoughts and suggestions regarding the interview process
New York Downtown Hospital
Rochester General Hospital
Bronx Lebanon
UM- Jackson memorial

Anyone interviewing at Jackson memorial on Jan 8th, i would like to split the stay.
Hey, any one interviewed at cook county chicago?
Hi darevee hows ur 2nd interview at crozer chester? did they email u abt 2nd look or u asked them abt tht?
I would appreciate ur reply.
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