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Help Pages 67-68 of my Crush S3 missing 2nd edn - docindia
I was able to get a copy of Crush Step 3 (with difficulty) in my country,but pages 67-68 in the Surgery section are missing.Can anyone tell me the topics on these pages?

It is the 2nd edition.Or email me the topics at imgfmg
Hey docindia,

the topics are:large bowel obstruction, hernia,ENT surgery.

IF you any details lettme know.

Thanks excel.Anything very imp written in there?I mean if you could tell me a few imp lines from the topics.My email id is in the 1st post.Thanks again
In LB obstrucConfused/s,3 imp causes:diverticulitis,colon ca, volvulus, m.c in older pts, treatment:NPO and nasog tube, endosc for sig. vol. Causes of post op fever

Hernia:types, m.c indirect in all

ENT:Rhinitis:viral, allergy(hay fever), bacterial, Sinusitis
How sweet of u excel.I needed to know because I will be reaching US just 1 week B4 the test.

Thanks a lot
no probs
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