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whats the matter wid this forum.. - nemesis
hi guys,

this forum is increasingly becoming a constellation of depressing thoughts....the things being said and discussed are doin us lil good and a pathological thought process seems to have set in...please my friends we should all behave in a more discrete and professional manner..

hope we ll put a stop to unnecessary stuff..
i agree
i guess everybody's gettin real stressed out, with th lull in interview calls n all
because only people narrow minded participates into this...'
I am one of them too,don t msunderstand me,the iddea is that sometimes we should enjoy life and stop thinking about this stupid thing of getting a job and making more money to buy cars and stufff.
you can be so happy with 5 bucks in the pocket and so unhappy with millions...
so the ideea is relax and enjoy life,forget about everything else
i agree florin...but i generally dont see happiness n sadness as end points...its d quality...the richness of the moments tht we live tht matters..

it differs wid ppl..some might enjoy in one way, others might enjoy somethin is therefore very unnerving to see so many doctors who by the virtue of their profession are more aware of life, become so very narrow minded that they fail to see any other view points..

frustration n problems are a part of everyones life...but not everyone starts throwing tantrums and becoming unnecessarily hostile...

n i dont agree tht u r narrow minded..or tht u think so, u r jus bein polite! if we were we would try to broaden our horizon...coz thts y we r here in d first grow to change..our selves..into someone better...
yes nemesis,indeed living a reach life(emotional speaking) is my choice too,and i am so aware that living a bad moment is better than not living it at all,but you see you and i know this ,how many other can say the same thing?
I have noticed,and I say this with dissapointment that selfishness,lack of sensitivity,egocentrism,shalowness are the most encountered atributes of people posting here,so probably the future docs...
Is sad isnt it?
you got o an office and that guy s gonna look at you as to a car...
I guess medicine is losing the most important s definition.the science of taking care of people...
A small completion,Taking care of people is not equal prescribing drugs...
u write funny...i mean nice kinda funny..u kno wot i mean..(r u spanish)

i personally dont see doctors as nethin much thn any other professionals...i mean they gotta b more sensitive n all but even if they behave in a professional way, thts fine

i think most of us r nice chaps here but still immature....talkin like kids...but one thing tht amazes me is tht how can some1 think tht his point of view is the only way....n how can we have a meaningful dialogue if thts the fact how can then we beat an interview!

everything is meaningfull..there are 1000 ways to get to same point no doubt about it...
In my case I am the last thing but imature ,believe me,life has been very generous to me so far in terms of experiences.
But,i ll never be satisfied being just professional....why if you can be more...
I think that if it would be an extra 50% of salary for sensitivity,you ll se many docs or future docs taking sensitivity lessons: like how to cry and stuff...
do you get my point Nemesis?
You see is part of culture,I was raised under european culture and therefore in europe the doctor is not only a professional,but also a man of high culture.
knowing how to cure people is more complex than it appears.
To cure diseases you have to know about know this you have to live it and get a touch of other experiences,by any meanings,that s why in my culture dostoievsky,hemingway ,fountaine are names so common in our lets call it medical culture.
Is hard to explain,but it looks that running after money has nothing to do with culture and so called "calling" for a profession.
tks Nemesis for compliment..Smile
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