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work hard and hope it works.. - residencyismylife
only thing that matters is hard work....and by hard work you create luck..there is no bloody thing like god helping you..does he even exist...if anything i dont believe in these stuff anymore...have done all i can and still no where..i hope my car crashes tomorrow or i get run over by the truck...i want an end to this *ing life now....i atleast deserve that much i guess...some painless and sudden death than this slow and never ending pain.... i WISH i dont wake up tomorrow..
Hey heyy.. Easy there! Don't bash on God because you are letting your inner demons take control of you!! Man up... You will be fine... Patience is virtue and most importantly.. Dont let the bitterness consume you..
If you feel a program should choose you for residency... Show it to them! Show them how badly you want it! Be energetic, be enthusiastic... Most of the interviews I went to.. None of the interviewees smiled.. Somebof them even came late to the interview looking like they didn't shower... Prove to the program that you are the one they are looking for...
dude...go get admitted to the hospital....dont give up...theres always hope...i have seen a person with scores in 80s get a good residency in a university program.... at the right place at the right time. theres alwys some resident who did not get a visa or who did not come for the residency...or who drops out....just relax and be on the watch for these things....
Dude with this attitude, if I were a PD, I would be very hesitant accepting you.
Again go get help and Yes! GOD bless you! To me He is as real as the air that you breathe! Which can be taken from anyone in an instant!
You have got 3 IV, and you want to end your life after that, correct? Dude, go study some martial arts or something...
sorry to say this, but it is not hard work that creates luck, it is luck that creates luck, and unfortunately some people have it and others don't...but remember, the knowledge can be used elsewhere, it is not an absolute requirement that every guy and girl with a medical degree must do residency and must be an attending in the future! Why not teach medicine at a university, or if you are from another country, practice there, you already have passed all the exams, correct? So what do you have to worry about?

I am in a worse situation than you are, pal. The truth is that there is always someone who is in a more dire situation than you are. I passed step 1 in 2006, on my 5th attempt, I passed CS in 2008, on second attempt, and now I am going for my 9TH ATTEMPT (no typo) of CK in february. I know the score. I know that probably most PDs will laugh upon looking at my application, saying that I should be a garbageman or do some other manual labor instead of being a doctor. Do I care what other people say or think about me? ABSOLUTELY NOT. No matter what happens in the future, this has truly been the thrill of my life, the challenge of challenges, going to a foreign country to study medicine (US born IMG), and even though there were delays and setbacks, I never gave up. In fact I will continue to struggle until the USMLE themselves send me a letter saying that my application for future exams is not accepted because of the new rules.

So cheer up, man. Be happy. Breathe in the cool air, go outside and stretch and exercise, love your spouse, feel her or him up, and just be happy you're alive. You are in such a privileged position, and you must thank God for it. God, the Devil, and Maya run this world, you and I and everybody else are actors and actresses, and remember that are so many people in India and Africa and elsewhere who cannot even get clean water to drink or one meal to eat, leave aside finding a job. SO BE THANKFUL, THANK GOD EVERY DAY when you pray, thank God he gave you health and food and shelter, which so many others don't have. If we are not happy now, we will never be.
hahaa residencyismylife, how do you know god is not helping you at all?

He is just venting. The last thing he needs is pple patronizing him in an internet forum. Ignore him or give him a sentence of hope. So u guys have never felt down during this process?
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