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Patho Q - mmx
Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosing type. The most likely cause of the anemia is by following LAB observe:
Hb 11g/dL, Hematocrit 33%, MCV 80uM3, reticulocyte count 0.5%, serum iron 25ug/dl, TIBC 15ug/dL (N=250460)
A. abnormal utilization of iron,
B. extravascular hemolysis
c.folate deficiency
d.iron deficiency
e.marrow aplasia
Any comments?
i ll go for marrow aplasia,as bone marrow is involved.
the anemia in hodgekin is normocytic, normochromic.
i think it is the abnormal utilization A.
bcos this is the picture of anemia of chronic disease. bcos here iron is decreased and TIBC is also decreased suggesting increased ferritin stores and therefore this is abnormal utilization of the iron bcos of anemia of chronic dz like hodgkin's dz .
That was what I chose A, but I just couldn't sure.
I will pick E. Marrow aplasia. Growth in the bone marrow of RBCs are affected in HD.
anemia of chronic disease, right?!? the iron is being (inappropriately) sequestered and hence, kept from utilization...
serum iron 25ug/dl, TIBC 15ug/dL (N=250-460). low TIBC--- more like AOCD. And if we can say "abnormal utilization of iron,"=AOCD?
So the answer is A. right?
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