04-10-2006, 06:52 AM
A 16 yr old boy with neurofibromatosis is brought for a follow-up examination. His uncle also has neurofibromatosis. he has one yr h/o of headaches during which his parents say he appears pale. Six months ago, he underwent operative treatment for optic nerve glioma. His BP is 160/105, pulse 102, resp 14/min. His thyroid glands are not enlarged. No murmurs, radial pulses r equal. Abdominal exam no abnormality. What is the cause for hypertension?
1.Catecholamine prod tumor
2. carcinoma thyroid
3.Essential hypertension
4. Aldosterone prod adrenal adenoma
5. Postsubclavian coarctation
1.Catecholamine prod tumor
2. carcinoma thyroid
3.Essential hypertension
4. Aldosterone prod adrenal adenoma
5. Postsubclavian coarctation