07-26-2006, 05:27 PM
16y girl, febrile and incoherent, has severe lower abd pain. Pelvic exam shows a foul-smelling cervicovaginal discharge and a septic abortion is suspected. What's the most appropriate process for indentifying micro-agents:
1. inoculation of anaerobic transport media at the bedside
2. inoculation of specimen into tissue culture
3. Quantitation of becateria in the discharge by calibrated inoculating loop
4. streaking a swab onto the Thayer-Martin media
5. use Lowenstein-Jensen and Sabouraud media
1. inoculation of anaerobic transport media at the bedside
2. inoculation of specimen into tissue culture
3. Quantitation of becateria in the discharge by calibrated inoculating loop
4. streaking a swab onto the Thayer-Martin media
5. use Lowenstein-Jensen and Sabouraud media