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study at home with one kid - enia
How many Img have kids at home and try to study for USMLE exams?
I have a little one boy,and after 5 months I realized that I can't study efficiently for my exams.
Do you think is much better to give him at daycare center?
Please,somebody give me an advise.
Hi enia... I can relate to u'r situation...cuz i have 2...the older one goes to day care, the younger one stays home with me. It is really hard to make time and study....first of all, where do u live? I live in in the US. if u live here somewhere, and would like to talk sometime, let me know, we can talk. My email is busydocmom2 Looking fwd to u'r reply.
my sis-in-law could study well with a baby at home, but giving kid/baby to a babysitter or daycare for even a few hours will be a world of difference for moms of kids who are very active. Be careful of daycares- especially at the beginning the kids will get sick often. Takes few months, even years to develop their immunity...maybe few days a week is good..
I am an old grad(1999),started studying last year from november and booked my exam for this august.I have a 4 year old and twin girls who have just turned 2.but I never wanted my kids to go to day care.
It was really dificult when initially I started studing.then i realized that i should make a time table for them to engage them in different activities ,which they can manage themselves like small musical toys shape games.learning that while playing they can leearn also.
For my own concentration I searched for a study partner.I think if u have s study partner ,a good scedule u are least distractedeven with kids.Believe me I had no other help except my husband
NOw with teh help of God i have managed to comlete my second read of kaplan course.I have extended my eligibility period
inshallah I will take the exam this nov.I think nothing is imposible .It sepends on your abilities and the way u handle the situation.Do whatever u think is is best for u .thakns goodluck
I know how u feel exactly!I have 2 years old girl,she's extremly active and she has to b with me all the time-fortunately she sleeps sometimes...My husband doesnt help me a lot,sometimes I ask my mom to help me.But its really frustrating 'cause i dream abt learning sometimes when I have to follow her everywhere.I think nursery is a good solution and dont think abt getting sick-not every child does!I would do it too but my child is too young now.
We have to support-studying moms!We're so diffrent from people who can happily learn whole day!!!I can study only abt 4-5 hrs a day,when she sleeps...........
i completely understand your situation. everybody has suggested me to give my baby to daycare but i just can't think of doing that...atleast of now i have decided to study with my baby at home......and try to give my hundred percent and i hope inshallah god will cover for me. but i am not sure what i will do in the last few days...i am thinking of taking step1 in nov. but for you have to think what is best for you....if you think you would study better with your baby at daycare... try a good daycare.....first try on a trial basis ...see how your baby adjusts and how it works out for you. all the best.
thank you so much for your advice.
You are like a friends for me.
I'm amazing to constat how many moms are like me:-)
another problem is socialization of my kid.Here where I live my little one has any occasion to play another child,very seldom when I go to the park,but on my street is anybody.
And I'm wonder if it-s the time for socilaization.maybe my kid will adore to go to the daycare.
what doyou say?
hi to everybody! this is my 1st time to be here, i've been a "silent" member for a month now and i decided to finally log in and just like so many of u, i'm also a mommy of 2 kids and trying to also study for the MLE but finding it really challenging but with all the good advises u guys gave each other, i got the courage to open my books again, although i could not study full time because i am also working, i still find time to read everyday especially when the the kids are sleeping, i have a good 1-2 hrs of reading. Being a mom is really hard, but it's a blessing that I'm forever thankful of. I wish u guys all the best, and hopefully we pass our exams.And again thanks for all your encouraging advises.
Hi everybody,
This is the 1st time to be here. Felt so much support reading the advises. I have a 2yr old boy who is very active & couldn't concentrate on studies looking after him.Most of the people telling me to join him in daycare or to send him to his grandparents.I am not interested in both. No one ever supported me or encouraged that I can prepare keeping him with me.This post helped me feel that I can still prepare good with less time. It's not the time that matters ,It's the motivation to do it. I do believe the same as Chieski.It's a blessing to be a mom.Thanks for all the advises.Wish u all the best.
Hi again chieski and hi satsun... does'nt it feel nice to hear from other mom doctors attempting usmle, that too with young kids...I went thru the same as u guys, watched the forum for a couple of days, silently, felt like a shot of adrenaline in me.... Now have started my journey. Welcome to the club! where r u guys from? Which yr did u graduate..blah blah blah
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