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jehovas witness - vaibhavi
there are 2 qs in UW on jehovahs witness.
in 1 u consult with the hosp ethics commiteee to mandate exchange transfusion for the baby with kernicterus in the other u donot wait to administer futher both cases parents refuse traetment with bloodproducts for their children.

so what do we choose?
treat the baby first and then u can contact ethics committee or court
but u have onlu one choice of either treating or contacting ethics comm.
ofcourse u treat first but then u disobey the parents.
vaibhavi: I have read that treat the baby and later on court/ethic committe can be contacted; Thus treating the baby will be the answer; true, disobeying the parent but saving life comes first;
In all emergency situition where you don't have time, treat first

If case in not immediately life threatning, then seek court orders.
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