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interview in surgery, chance as an FMG ... - hardworkers
i had my interview in surgery and sharing my experience:

1st faculty congratulated me and wish to see me in round in future.
2nd faculty appreciated all my answers , but also said as a foreign graduate do not get heart if u do not match. u need more hardship as I did also. It is very hard for a foreign graduate to get a residency here.
3rd prof was in a hurry(?), did not ask me any question, but he wanted me to ask him if i have any question ...I did as much as I can.

If I do not match, Is it for being a foreign graduate who needs to struggle more?

actually its not your fault or img's fault..

basically amg's are giving us a tough time this year.. they want top spots in university programs..

community programs dont offer surgery.. so it will be tough for surgery applicants this year.. unless you've worked in us and have good lors plus usce plus connections..
same happnd to me.... they said that as an fmg u will be given consideration for prelim.. and then if u r good ...blah ...blah...
choc9 and nauty:

Thanks a lot for the reply.
the practical way for getting into surgery for IMGs is through preliminary and most of the time they finish their 5-year residency in 7-8 years. Only a few dedicated applicants (mostly without visa problem) complete their residency in surgery.
hey why dont u guys contribute in the sugery interviews and rejections thread??

which program was that hardworkers?
I really think IMGs do well in surgery because most AMGs are not willing to work as hard as IMGs can. With surgery the good thing is that you dont need to study hard all the time alongwith your residency. As long as you can work WELL and do good assisting in the OR you are all set.

Theoretically, surgery is an EASIER field. No hassle of rounds or teaching. Unlike other fields, surgical rounds are shortest/quickest with emphasis mainl on post-op fluids etc.. There is no round teaching in surgery... so attending doesnt have that pressure unlike the other specialities.

Its a great field if you can pull it off..

choc9 i dont agree to what you have said ....... my take on that would be:

IMGs do well only when they get a chance. Do u know how many IMGs matched in surgery and IM in PGY1 last year ........... its 220 and 3000 respectively, so its very easy to say that its easier to perform well as you have to "assist" only and dont have to study ..... do u have any idea about ABSITE exams (the annual internal surgery exam) how difficult it is to just pass it ???. Its very importent for an IMG to perform well specially in begining to make yourself a place so most of the FMGs work like 90 hrs + in first 2 years.

Secondly as a surgeon would u like to "assist" your whole life ??? definately not , so its a process of transition from immature to mature surgical hands and starts to happen as soon as you would like too in most programs ranging from few months to an year and a half.

Theoratically surgery is an easier field as u have just said ......... there are over 35 sub specialities in General Surgery and residents have to rotate in most during there residency (the reason why its 5 yrs and not 3 yrs ) so one can have a better idea of how theoratically difficult it is.

Have you ever been to post op rounds ??? emaphasis on fluids Smile

No "HASSLES" of rounds or teaching in surgery ?? would u like to throw some light on it Smile

There is no round teaching in sugery ???? ... then plz mention why the hell they take rounds for hours early morning, Dx and taking a decision on Mx could be as difficult in surgery as anywhere else.

Attending does not have pressures like other specialities ??? Can u compare the STRESS of surgery to any other speciality or any other profession ....... i dont think so. Attendings have to care for the patients, teach the residents and face the hundreds of law suits filed on surgeons every year.

take care

your impression regarding IMGs and AMGs as well as the field of surgery in the US is totally wrong.
I dont agree with you guys. I have attended one clinical rotation in surgery in US. I know exactly how they operate, the schedules, teaching, etc.

I agree that with surgery you basically have early morning rounds. However these are laughable 10-20 minutes rounds basically with the chief resident. He does no teaching whatsoever is mainly asking about fluid balance and labs. There is NO teaching by chief resident. When the attending arrives in morning, he hardly has any time for rounds as OR generally starts at around 7:00 am. He would usually ask quick questions or make notes. AGAIN, there is no teaching whatsoever.

Remember that in medical fields, the chief resident or the Attending HAS to teach the junior residents and students. Rounds can run into hours and there is always pressure of question/answering. You have to be theoretically 100% all the time because if you dont know something you get caught then and there. Surgery residents are usually the MOST relaxed, even after working hard because they know as long as they are managing there patients well, they dont need to teach a lot. When I was doing my clinical rotations I was shocked to see that most surgical residents would totally avoid teaching anything and if you ask them any questions they would tell you on your face to consult textbook. You are simply not expected to be a KNOW-IT-ALL as a surgeon (unlike other fields). Your attitude should be very sharp and focused on FIXING THINGS. You need to study for your exams but learning only comes from OPERATING and PRACTICING and filling out your log book with any many operations as you can. There is a lot of politics involved as being IMG people can strip you from getting good cases.

Again, I am talking about good university based hospitals. I know that life is easier in IM or FP in community hospitals. However I will stick to my guns on surgery being easier overall in big hospital settings. The philosophy of a surgical resident is "work hard" and thats it. Ofcourse you need to have good skills as well because major part of surgery is learning operations, suturing, managing post-op complications, etc. Surgery is more practical work than theroetical.

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