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"overwhelming number of applicants this year&# - nytwing
I'm sure almost all of us heard this statement. From letters of regrets!

I'm just wondering if hospitals really receive like 2-3 thousands of applicant for like 10 or less position nowadays? Or its just their way of making us feel better on not giving us an interview?

And "overwhelming number of well qualified applicants"- so this means so much people score the 90's. I guess the USMLE passing score should change because it would be inaccurate. Or maybe they give lots of emphasis on USCE.
It is the same rejection template they used last year. But, there is an overwhelming number of a phenomena that's been happening since the past few years.
For the newcomers to this forum, this is something I posted several weeks ago, that may explain a little bit about this issue:

PD's don't review all applications. The first screening is made by a group of secretaries or program coordinators, who have established screening criteria. Then the applications go to the PD and PD's associates for the final decision. That is the case for most programs.

Now, it is true that there is an increase in the ammount of applications programs receive, and that is the trend for the past few years. Also, the trend is that more and more people get more than 90 on the steps. As one PD told me last year: "Five years ago we received 1000 applications, 65% of them passed our initial screening criteria. Now we are receiving 2000 application and 85% of them passed those criteria". So, simple math: 650 vs.1700 applicants. That is why, now it is also important to have some USCE, good LORS and a well written PS (not just a edited copy from someone's template).

Why such an increase in the number of applicants? It is not really the number of applicants, but the number of applications each applicant sends. Obviously I am talking about us, the IMG's. It is becoming more and more common for people to apply to 100+ programs. That's the reason you'll find posts stating things like "I've received an IV from XXXX program...anyone knows something about this program" or "I got 77/81, no USCE, no LORS, want radiology, need visa and I am so depressed because I just been rejected by Harvard and Hopkins". I found that it is really more important to know which programs to apply and not really how many program you apply to. A lot less money will be spent and a significant decrease in depression and suicide rates will be found among IMG's if they do their homework and research about programs before applying.

Just one final example. The PD of my program gave us yesterday the statistics of the current applications. There was an increase of the total number of applications (from 1450 to 1800) so far. Of these, 1250 are IMG's and 450 are AMG's. The usual ratio in this program is 80-90% AMG's/ 10-20% IMG's. That means that less than 1% of those IMG will match here. And this is only an example.

So, the best "expert" advice I can give, although I might be a little late, is:

1) Have a well rounded application (scores are important, but it is not only about scores anymore).
2) Apply wisely, not blindly (that will save you a few bucks and a whole lot of frustration).
3) Finally remember, the scores and the rest of the application can get you an interview, but the position is earned at the interview.

Good luck.
necker, great post!

now only if the imgs can learn that life is not about just entering a hospital in us..
necker, but how do u know the number of applicants are not increased dramatically this year than previous years? do u have any statistics on the number of this year's applicants so far?
they dont know anything. one of my friends lied to prog about many things and got matched while another one who is totally honest but not matched. if they know inside out, then they must love liars
well then they must have gotten in jamaica, ny and camden, nj.. programs that are at best D grade.

Honestly, one should rather work in puerto rico than camden, NJ. Have you seen the place? Its like barricaded and protected 24 hr with shuttles being guarded by policemen.

Whats the use of doing residency at a d-grade hospital??? in long term you're bound to end up shit.
he got matched into a very good prog in az. my point is the prog has no way to know how many prog u applied, how many ivs u received. how many specialties u applied to. they are lying too. why not the applicants?
Tightfists............Life is not about is about character.

if your friend tarnished his character just to get into Residency .............there is nothing left for him......There is more to life than he may be happy that he got in........but it will not last long..........he can run but cannot hide....

On the other hand , the friend who was honest.................can sleep well at night with a clear conscience.

So take your pick..........
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