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Got aprematch offer - vian
from Danbury hospital. The program looks nice. Salary is high and they provide free housing for residents. But I don't know the program enough from just a half day visit. Could anybody give me any idea? I still have IV from good Univeristy programs, should I accept this one? Many thanks.
hey vian, it depends on how many univ calls do u hv....if u hv just a couple , goin thru the match cud be dicey....danbury is a good program overall n from what i heard, ppl do manage fellowships altho u do hv to try harder than at a univ program
Thanks veer, I have 4 calls from Univ. Where did you hear about the fellowship thing? from their own residents? I remembered someone on this forum said that fellowship hope in this program is dim. But they will start their own cardio fellowship next year, though I am not interested in that. I want to do GI or Endocrinology.
first of all congrats vian.
I've visited the hospital and spoken to quite a few folks.The hopsital and program are good.Disadvantages are the small place, population mainly being elderly, not a very diverse patient population. Fellowships are not that hard to get...Cardio and ID are their strong points, so it's easier for these fellowships.BUt you can do your electives at Yale for GI and get into some good fellowship program.
hope this helps.
I have an interview there tom.
Could you tell me how your interview was.When was your interview and how did the prematch offer come up? Did you ask them or they offered it? and after how many days is this?
Thanks a lot.
Hi vian also wanted to know if you need a visa
thanks again
Hi sunramit, Thanks for your info. I was offered prematch on the same day of IV. I don't think I behaved any different from other interviewees (we have about 14 that day), neither did I showed any interest in prematch because I am still hoping for Univ programs. I guess they already have a rough idea if you are the one they are willing to give prematch and during the IVs, if your personality and communication skills are good. They will offer it to you no matter you ask it or not. There's my impression. I still don't know why I was offered, because there are more people in my batch who are more active and more eager to grab a prematch.
I don't need a visa, but as far as I know they provide H1, and as long as you finish your Step 3 by January, there will be no problem on starting your residency with H1.
Thanks a lot vian.
vian could u tell ur creds plz.i got rejected by them.just wanted to know what was lacking.thanks.congrats again.
good luck to you, sunramit. The faculties are all nice, and the talking were very relaxed.
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