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Marshall Univ and West Virginia Univ - amyd304
Anyone interview at these 2 yet? I have IV coming up and really would like to know what it is like. Thanks
Please...if anyone has interviewed with West Virginia University please let me know how it tis ...THANKS
I am going to interview at UWV on the 16th jan plannig to drive from DC
Hello Ocho,
My interview with WVU- Morgantown is next friday. Are you staying at the Eurosuites. They do pay for the hotel, dinner. I have no idea how they interview as I can not find one other person interviewing there besides you. Have you heard anything? Thanks
so your interview is not on the 16th, I am also staying at eurosuites my problem is how to get to morgantown I was planning on renting a car a driving all the way from DC since my last interview is there please let me know how are you traveling to morgantown?
Hello amyd304,

Inv at Marshall uni is very cool. Attendings don't have time to talk to you. In 10 mins they will see their watch 3-4 times. Lots of condidates have their contacts in program. I was surprised. If you have similar type of experience, plz let me know.
Ocho- the best way to morgantown from DC is by I-68. You will then come to Morgantown and take exit 155. You can then proceed by taking 155 exit then turn Left. Go through next light and bear right (Sheets gas station on the right.) You will go across bridge. Go through one light then second light take a left. Go through one more light (will see Hospital on the right.) The next light will take right and Eurosuites is directly on the left. Hope this helps. Did they give you the number to the hotel? I have it if you need it. Do you know if they offer pre-match. Any other questions?
Thanks for the info about Marshall. Since I am interested in Cardiology, I really liked the fact that they accept their own residents in to the cardiology fellowship. I do know people that are docs that graduated from Marshall that work where I rotate. Some of them teach. I really do not personally know the program director or faculty. I do know a lot about the area and since I am from West Virginia, I was hoping to interview there because it is close to my parents. I dont even know how many residents that they take do you??? Do you know if they offer pre-match. Thanks
they are not offering prematch. He is very against of prematch concept. One of candidate asked him whether they offer prematch or not during lunch. PD explained very nicely why they don't offer prematch.
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