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Cancelling my only IV in january?? - daguev
Hi Guys need some input and opinions . I am appling to this match and as many of us , i got only 2 IV , i already assisted to my first IV early in Dic, and i have one left at the end of Jan in NY . Unfortuneadly i got acute Hepatitis and i am in the 2nd week of this bothersome illness , i am very jaundice , still feeling tired and some times spiking fever , regardless of this symptoms i think i can make it to my IV (actually i would have to travell from overseas because i am not in USA )althougth i have been adviced to do strict bed rest , but would it be wise to go for this 2nd IV ??? Insted should i request an over the phone IV , could this be possible ?? If some one have had similar experience please advices are very much welcome . GL to all of you
Hi I feel very bad about you,you can email them or call them, tell them about your situation and request them to postpone your IV to Feb.
in person is always better.
if you can make it to NY, go. If not, try to postpone to feb if you have to
Hi Imresident : thank you for your simpathy , i already check their web site and they only interview until 2 nd week in Feb and have no available spots . My concern is that i am very jaundice and the interviwers migth be reluctand to give me a chance if they see me in this condition ( who want an ill looking resident ?? ) I thougth the posibility of an over the phone IV , how about that ?? thank you and GL

I see that your situation is tricky. I can't give you any medical advice and will not contradict the medical advice which you have already recieved from a Physician acting in your best interest.

But on a side note, I don't think there is any need to give the residency any detailed information about the underlying cause of your jaundice....there are many things that can cause jaundice....

Hi Vitrol : thank you for your advice , i hope PDs would not be bias about my jaundice , i am afraid because physicians we tend to pick up any phisical sings of disease and make up in our mind diferential dx . Thank you and GL
Well, the differential is vast, but things like the following aren't too bad:

Hep A: rare relapses, but generally clears up with no sequela. Only problem is that it is infectious in it's actue phase...which may be a problem for them during the interview (just don't share food or drinks!!)

G6-PD deficiency...can be easily avoided and should not prove problematic during residency if you avoid certain foods...

Get my drift???
daguev.first of all i wish you have a speedy recovery.......however i disagree that you should go for the see your health is of utmost year wont matter in your whole life.....but just for one thing if you become more ill.that would be very unfortunate!may be ull match to the 1 IV you had ALLAH willing.any how thats just my opinion.take care.
Hi Guys : thank you very much for your good wishes and simpathy , Actually to be honest is Hep B , and is only my fault because i never finished my inmunization . I guess as sith said , my health is more important than this match , may be next year if i am fully recovered ( i have the odds in my favore ) GL to all of you guys bye
Wish you a speedy and healthy recovery friend....
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