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exam took on Feb16, I passed.... - xenash
thank you forum, thank you frns.... thank you god.....
I passed........
congratulation ....where did u took ur exam........mean which center! thanx
ur exam experiance will be appriciate......
I reached the hotel at 12.30am on the same day after a long drive from San Francisco, which was a bad idea. and traffic made it worst, so frns long drive before exam NO NO.

I reached the exam center at 8am. We were altogether 24, among them 3 of us were IMGs and other American graduates. In the other side of the wall, there was small place mimicking exam room with bed, where I got to see the tuning forks, I asked one of the AMGs which tuning fork is for vibration test and which one is for weber™s test.. he said, uhh. I even didn™t know they use diff tuning forks.

I was quite nervous in my first case. I didn™t write PAM HUGS FOSS for the first case, when I was in.. uhhh I was completely blank may be because patient was really good looking hehe.. I came out in 6 minutes.. I thought ok I™m gone now, i took deep breath and relaxed for a while, then I decided in next case I will definitely going to write PAMHUGSFOSS then I did it, believe me folks, that helped me a lot later on. After the exam, I was feeling okay not so worried, but as the hours passed by I felt like I™m going to fail this exam coz I didn't finish one case, I used gloves because of burn on my hand. Patients were really friendly except a few, but they were acting like that. My patient note was not so good, I don™t think whatever I diagnosed were correct, but still I passed. I think main thing about this exam is how you communicate with patients and data gathering. These are the things I said and did repeatedly,
1.knocked 3 times
2.good morning mr (last name), how are you doing today?
3.I™m dr , I™m here to take your medical history and do some physical examination
4.before I start, let me cover you first to make you a little more comfortable
5.So what brings u in today?
6. I hope you don™t mind if I make a few notes as you speak
7.could you pls tell me more about it?
8.Mr. now I™ve to do some quick physical examination on you, is that ok with you?
9.I have scar in my hand, I hope you don™t mind if I examine you wearing gloves
10.are you comfortable now?
11.ok, let me begin with your hand first.
12.Thankyou so much for your cooperation. Now I would like to summarize on whatever u have told me so far. You said that you have.. and
13.according to the information that you have given me and from the examination I did I am thinking of couple possibilities for your symptoms, which might be due to.. or due to.. I have to run some lab tests in order to find out what exactly the cause is. So only after the lab results come out , I™ll be in a better position to tell you about your exact diagnosis.. you have any questions?
phewwwww..... that's it

few imp things -
1. I did UW “ 60 cases, FA- mini- cases plus major cases, Kaplan physical examination charts
2. make one standard note on what will u say when u enter, when u start P/E, how to do closure use same pattern for all the patient, so that u won™t have to think while you are there
3. know the differential dx of the cases
4. know well how to answer all the challenging qs, which are on UW and FA
5. don™t forget to knock, say good morning, address pt by last name and yourself by your last name, don™t forget to drape the patient, wash hands, be polite, say sorry and thankyou a lot Wink, counsel , smile till your cheeks starts hurting and say good bye.
6. get passport, stethoscope, white coat and confirmation paper

if you have any qs.. i'm happy to answer.. or u can mail me at jumdear

good luck to all!!
hi, did u take cs before ck? cos i am planning to do that. do u think i have to study ck material first?
Thankyou writingboook, jovanavcs, s_rika, cici and prathab2007.
To s_rika- I took my exam at LA center
To prathab2007- No, I took CK on Dec 2006 and CS on Feb 2007. I'm sorry I am not a good model to answer your question i guess. But still you can take CS first before CK because it is just about communication skills and data gathering.
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