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to vanillasky, int_rej - issele
sorry to hear about ur step 3 mishaps. i passed my step 3 in january and i can offer u advice,tips on how to approach this exam. i know u will be feeling kinda down. its normal. take a few days off and then re-energize. the exam is tough,tricky but ultimately doable.
i was helped in my preparations thru advice i got on this forum and i would like to help.
if ur interested, drop me a line and i will defintely reply.
yes ofcourse issele

Please help me
need your advice. i dont know when to take it since will be joining resi in july this year
Dear issele,

I am studing for step 3, crush step3 and UW and some step2 notes, May have your advice how to study to able to pass this exam. I am studing alone and 3-4 hours a day. i am mother of 2 kids. In UW between 46% and 54% is my score.
To Int_inj

well, considering the fact that residency starts in july, i really don't know how effective u could be between now [ april] and then, especially if ur prog will have orientation in june. anyway thats for u to try to work out.
but first what materials do u prepare with this time around???
personally i would advice u do kaplan step2 ck notes, UW mcq's and ccs, together with reading selected topics from other sources like -- geriatrics from swansons and alternative medicine from CMDT.
then read musa's ccs tips.
if u have any specific questions, let me know.
for arezoo,
there's no harm in studying alone. i studied alone myself, although i read for 4-5 months. u might want to re-do UW again,this time taking notes on explanations of questions that u missed or guessed. my avr on UW was about 58%, first time. Then practice practice practice ccs. i can't over-stress that enough.
and also read selected topics from other sources like i explained to int_rej as above.
if u have any specific questions, i will be willing to answer.
thanks a lot
Also my ccs cases, spome of them ended earlier than i thought

In that case was should be the advice--like a case of abuse--i did everything and case ended in 8 mins
That shocked me
nbut i realiesd nothing else was to be done, so what should be the advice?

Also please advice on moving the clock ahead please if you can
In my honest opinion, it really doesn't matter when ur case ends bcos u might have done great and the case ends early or u did an unpardonable medical blunder and the case will also end early. On my exam, only, 1 of my cases ended before 12 mins. the rest went the full length of time. while i was concerned but i felt and knew i was following safe and standard care of medicine. So as long as u are following the standard of care, don't sweat too much. Pls read read MUSA'S GOLDEN RULES FOR CCS. I always stress this bcos, lets face it, in the ccs cases, we all know the diagnosis. its how we work up the pts and when we intervene that in my opinion, makes the difference in scoring.

Moving the clock really is on a case by case basis. However I would advice u to move it "till the next available result". its a safe rule of thumb and then u twick it as needed on a case by case basis.
were u able to send the patient and then schedule a follow up in any case
I really appreciate your help
Yes, in about 3 cases bcos some cases were admitted for surgery and the rest were still on admission but being treated when the case ends.
But remember that, even when the case ends, in the remaining 5 mins, u can still schedule a follow-up.
can u elaborate for surgery cases after consult what did you do?? moved clock??
and then--------
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