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passed step 3! - mike2
I've been a silent observer of this forum, it's been very useful, most of the people here are really willing to give a colleague a hand, thank you all.
as far as the exam itself, it was definitely the hardest of all usmle exams, the questions were very vague. I know lots of people simply love usmleworld but I did not use it, I am not saying it is not good, I am only saying that regardless of the study source you use, the result is more dependent on your general knowledge of medicine, your ability to do a good clinical reasoning, your ability to do an educated guess and yes a bit of luck too, as for everything in life friends!
So, my advice, study hard, make sure that what you read you understand, it is not just a matter of doing questions like crazy,but to read and understand ehy you are selecting or ruling out an answer. I used kaplan q bank, kaplan step 2 ck noptes, and some questions from a cd i bought on Ebay, with lots of questions from sources I had never heard of them but since I had them why not do tehm , right?
My ccs cases all ended early except one, cases were the typical one, diabetes, Cervical cancer, heart attack, GI ulcer, foreign body aspiration, intermitent claudication, stroke, etc. Nothing really different from what has been posted in past posts.
I will be glad to answer your questions and help you in whatever I can.
Good luck to all, and thank you.
congrats dr mike,
thanks for your post.are you in residency now?do you feel comfortable to share your score?I am finding so hard to do ccs cases on usmle I have to wait for resutls for all the orders I already have given In order to give new orders?I am totally lost with this software.thanks a lot
Congradulation !
Would you please tell me when you took the exam and when you receive the result?
thank you zizi, my score was 86, much higher than what I was expecting considering that I only studied for 5 weeks. I will start residency this July, provided I get the H1 b in time.
as far as your question goes: you do not necesarily have to wait for new results in order to request more tests, remember that you can advance the clock at any time, I understand why your asking me, sometimes we remember that we should have order x test before the ones already ordered, you can still ordered them but that won't change or cancel the ones already ordered. practice, play with the software, do the cases not by memory, but think and analyze what you are doing, that is the best thing to do to avoid that common error, which I also made by the way.
good luck
Hey ramin32002, I took it 12-13 of april, score report updated May the 9th and I got the score in the mail yesterday, yes, 9 days after score was released, crazy!!!
good luck
thanks dr mike.u got a very good score.congrats once again
Congradulation mike,and good luck in your residency
thanks malak, good luck to you too!!!
Congratulations,I totally agree to your post.
All the best
Congrats. Good to hear great result. Thank u Mike
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