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Done with USMLE - mride
I want to share with you my happyness because I received today my Step 3 results an I passed it, I was in panic for nearly four weeks since the test because I felt frustrated after doing it, specially for lack of time in the MCQ part and for mistakes I made in the CCS part that I though will cost me the test. I had an awful feeling thinking that I did not pass, but I did, thanks God!
So if you took it, don't be a fool like me. praise ,everything will be all right.
If you are interested, I prepared the test with Kaplan videos and notes, and with the Q book, and I used Usmleworld as well for MCQ's, I completed all the questions and the went over the wrong ones again(but did't do all cause lack of time). I used Shahrers for the CCS and some axamples from here. I prepared it for about 6-7 weeks, except for the weekends since I am a mother of two and I dedicate those days to my family. If I can help you with any other information please tell me . And thank to everybody in this awesome forum!!!!!
thanks for sharing your experience--Congratulations!! u r done finally Smile))
i am preparing for this exam since 4 weeks and have a very unsatisfactory preformance at usmleworld---can i mail u and ask u some queries that i have with regards to this exam!!

if u dont wish to display ur email id--- u can mail me mine- and i wil get in touch with you- my email is madhu_revankar
what is Shahrers for the CCS?
Shaher's cases are about 70 semi-interactive cases that are sold through Ebay in 2 CD's. If you search the forum you will find more information, ask me if you need anything.

Feel free to ask me whatever you want here I read this forum pretty frequently, but let me tell you that Usmleworld is more a a learning tool than something to measure real performance. Overall mine was 62%, and I scored 91 in the test. I personally think and I read this concept here in the forum from other people, that for evaluation of your level and prediction of performance NBME tests are better, I personally did not do them cause lack of time. Run a search in the forum about NBME performance, I read that a score of 400 or more tells you that you are prepared.
Please tell me how useful is Shaher's interactive ccs simulations. Is it better than usmleworld ccs cases ?
wht was ur nbme correlation for ur score of 91.

Did u find shaher's cd helpful & do u recommend that


I didn't do USMLEWORLD for CCS, I was reading about them here and I concluded that was better to try Shaher's, but I should tell you that I was expecting something more interactive, anyway they were useful, because you can practice over 70 cases, I think that I did that way after reading that UW was not interactive, and because the cost too, but there are no program except for the STEP 3 CD 99% similar to the one in the test. Anyway I want to encourage everybody to practice as many cases as you can, and play with the software options , be really familiar with it, when you are there in front of the computer you cannot fail, so be familiar with the software practicing with th STEP 3 CD , you can use this forum for the cases, there are plenty of cases here, this forum is very useful. And of course if you wish use UW or shaher's or both, I encourage you to do your own research just reading some posts here. Definitely Shaher's was useful for me. I hope this answer your question the best possible.

I did not have time to do NBME, sorry.
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