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A 13-year-old - malak
A 13-year-old white male who is a distance runner on his school track team complains of left knee pain. On examination, you note tenderness over the distal lateral femoral condyle.

The most likely diagnosis is

a)Osgood-Schlatter disease
b)osteochondritis dissecans
c)bipartite patella
d)iliotibial band syndrome
e)patellar tendinitis
patellar tendinitis
Patellar tendinitis or "jumper's knee" is a condition resulting from overuse of the knee. The patellar tendon is a structure that attaches the quadriceps muscle group to the tibia (shin bone). The patella (knee cap) is a sesamoid (floating bone) incorporated into the patellar tendon. The patellar tendon is also referred to as the patellar ligament; some anatomists believe that since this structure connects the patella to tibia it should be classified as a ligament. Ligaments connect bone to bone while tendons connect muscles to bone.

Tendinitis is simply the inflammation of a tendon. This can be due to numerous factors. Some of the more common factors associated with this condition are:

* a rapid increase in the frequency of training,
* sudden increase in the intensity of training,
* transition from one training method to another,
* repeated training on a rigid surface,
* improper mechanics during training,
* genetic abnormalities of the knee joint, and/or
* poor base strength of the quad muscles.

Any or all of these factors can lead to the development of patellar tendinitis.

Basketball players are the most common athletes to experience this problem. Many athletes will make a transition from football to basketball during the school year. These two sports place entirely different stresses on the knee joint. The transition itself may be the only factor contributing to the condition. Other factors in these athletes may include: a change in training surface, increased amounts of continuous running and/or jumping, and the pounding associated with football.
so it cant be patellar tendinitis.
ans is d. which is very common in runners .
If your knee injury pain is lateral (on the outside edge of a knee), then it's likely that you are suffering from one of the most common knee complaints - iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). As you may have learned the hard way, ITBS may aggrieve your knee enough to drastically limit or even completely stop your training.
so D is the answer
i think manu is rite.
patella tendon is anterio but the patient has tenderness over lateral femoral condyle

[edit] Definition
Iliotibial Band Syndrome is one of the leading causes of lateral knee pain in runners. The iliotibial band is a superficial thickening of tissue on the outside of the thigh, extending from the outside of the pelvis, over the hip and knee, and inserting just below the knee. The band is crucial to stabilizing the knee during running, moving from behind the femur to the front during the gait cycle. The continual rubbing of the band over the lateral femoral epicondyle, combined with the repeated flexion and extension of the knee during running may cause the area to become inflamed, or the band itself may suffer irritation.

[edit] Symptoms
Iliotibial Band Syndrome symptoms range from a stinging sensation just above the knee joint (on the outside of the knee or along the entire length of the iliotibial band) to swelling or thickening of the tissue at the point where the band moves over the femur. The pain may not occur immediately during activity, but may intensify over time, especially as the foot strikes the ground. Pain might persist after activity. Pain may also be present below the knee, where the ITB actually attaches to the tibia.

ITBS can also occur where the IT band connects to the hip, though this is less likely as a sports injury. It commonly occurs during pregnancy, as the connective tissues loosen and the woman gains weight -- each process adding more pressure. ITBS at the hip also commonly affects the elderly. ITBS at the hip is studied less; few treatments are generally known.

[edit] Sports Activities to Avoid while Symptomatic
Running, especially hills and on arched surfaces (such as roads and tracks)
Stair Stepping
Dead lifts or Squats
Court sports, such as tennis, basketball, or similar
Martial arts, such as Karate (especially where being bare foot emphasises any symptoms being caused by leg/foot abnormalities)

[edit] Causes of Injury
Iliotibial Band Syndrome is the result of both poor training habits, equipment and anatomical abnormalities.

Training habits:

Running on a banked surface (such as the shoulder of a road or an indoor track) bends the downhill leg slightly inward and causes extreme stretching of the band against the femur
Inadequate warm-up or cool-down
Increasing distance too quickly or excessive downhill running
In cycling, having the feet "toed-in" to an excessive angle
Running up and down stairs
Abnormalities in leg/feet anatomy:

High or low arches
Overpronation of the foot
The force at the knee when the foot strikes
Uneven leg length
Bowlegs or tightness about the iliotibial band.
Excessive wear on the outside heel edge of a running shoe (compared to the inside) is one common indicator of bowleggedness for runners.
Muscle Imbalance:

Weak hip abductor muscles

[edit] Treatment
As with any injury or ailment, one should see one's physician, physical therapist or athletic trainer for diagnosis and treatment.

For a runner with acute ITBS, reduce weekly distance training to 50% for 2 weeks, and only run on flat ground. After, in the absence of ITBS pain, slowly begin to build distance again. If ITBS pain remains or is chronic, one should stop running immediately for two weeks (minimum). If the pain and inflammation are still present, another month of rest may be needed. Once the injury begins to improve, resuming activity can be possible, doing low distance, low speed jogging on flat terrain. Also, changing one's route may help counteract re-injury, as running a common route may put increased stress on the iliotibial band of one leg.

To prevent, or cure chronic ITBS there are some essential exercises:

Strength building of the proximal hip musculature for controlling ITB tightness; especially the straight leg raising motion and hip adduction
Performing specific stretches; Iliotibial band stretch, stretching the gluteal muscles, and other leg based static stretching
To create a good treatment program, proper assessment of injury severity is critical. Once the injury has been properly assessed, a treatment program (usually consisting of three steps) can be planned. The length of time spent on each phase varies depending on the athlete, the reasons for the initial injury, and the severity of the injury.

[edit] Immediate Treatment
After noticing symptoms, the important task is controlling pain and inflammation. For these symptoms, RICE works well. Stretching is second in importance, to make sure that the iliotibial band does not become taut. Next, examining what may have caused ITBS is important. Issues range from poor training habits to structural abnormalities, but the shoes a runner uses are another consideration. For example, after 500 miles most shoes retain less than 60% of their initial shock absorption capacity, increasing the chance of ITBS injury. Lastly, anti-inflammatories or ultrasound may be helpful to relieve symptoms.

[edit] Short Term Treatment
If the pain and inflammation do not subside, all painful activity should stop while continuing immediate treatment. A regular stretching regimen is important. A video analysis of running movements may provide insight into problematic running mechanics. To retain fitness, a number of options will work at this stage, as long as they do not promote pain. Altering these exercises will minimize overtraining:

Swimming, though abstain from the breaststroke as it may aggravate symptoms
Optionally, wearing a life jacket, one may run in the pool (depth allowing)
Cycling, though with care, as it may aggravate symptoms
Speed walking, especially straight-legged to discourage pain
Cross-country skiing
Yoga, or similar low-impact aerobics
At this stage, Steroid injections may be helpful, though some risks are involved.

[edit] Long Term Treatment
The last phase is only started once pain and inflammation are gone. Often, this phase involves returning to a normal state, even competitive sports. Though, at least these criteria must be satisfied:

The injured knee has regained full range of motion without pain
The injured knee has regained normal strength compared to the uninjured knee
Cardiovascular endurance has normalized
Most importantly, one must ensure that old symptoms do not recur. Thus, any pain or inflammation must be treated cautiously, especially if the ITBS was serious and involved a lengthy downtime. The return process must be gradual and treated with extreme care, structurally specific stretching during this time is essential and must be done extensively, before and after activity. Returning to activity should be done while correcting, or significantly reducing, any factors that were thought to have caused ITBS. If no factors are identified and corrected, the chance of the re-injury is much higher.

Rarely, and only in extreme cases, surgery is used to correct the injury. Typically, unless one is still suffering from symptoms in 6-12 months, surgery is not performed. It involves the release-excision of the iliotibial band, performed after an arthroscopic evaluation of the knee, which rules out other causes for the symptoms. Only patients unwilling to adapt their exercise because of this injury undergo surgery; it should only be performed after all other treatments have failed.

[edit] Rehabilitation
I think you are right
will verify also
thanks for explanation
but by the way the tendon that attach the quadriceps to the tibial bone is outside that's the reason when you flex your knee the patellar went externally
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