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remembered patho - dolly123
.ccl4 causing liver injury by wat mechanism..superoxideslide showing pseudo stratified epi and asked to identify.
.a lady with malar rash was shown asked something abt histopath features in SLE.
.one where they gave a slide of skin and asked to identify the receptor to a substance!!!??how do you diffrentiate cells in the liver that are being regenerate instead of repair.Ostegenic imperfecta.what collagen is defected? ?.Ehler danlos.what else you expect to see in the patientbest option was easy bruising.atleast two immunohistochemical staining questions5-6 questions on kids with type 1 diabeticsdifferent senerio.?.How Hydroxyurea is used to make HbFto help in sickle cell disease.Picture with adult polycystic kidney diseasewhat else to expect in the patienCystic fibrosis (2-3 q™s)CT scan of abdomen, Phreochromocytoma,
Two question about menopausal womanwhat hormone will be elevated,
Two Multiple myloma question, paget disease, 2-3 questions on prostate cancer.what drug etc??,
one graph with PTH in Y axis and Serum Ca++ in the x axis asking where osteomalacia pt would be in the graph?
M.Prednisolone and osteoporesis, Identifying osteoporesis from picture of vertebral columno
esophageal webrelated to Pummer Vinson, brenners tumor, granulose tomor of ovarycellular changemataplasia, celiac disease, colon cancer and lymph node,
Histologic finding of Lymph node biopsywhat™s the origin, Hepatitis Aantigen found, senerio indicating type 1 DMsaying Ab derected against what cell??asking which factor activates the hemostasis cascade, vWF factor disease
Rx, Follicular lymphoma (t 14,18:mechanisminhibition of opoptosis),
one case of lung adenocarcinoma
I forgot what the question was, radical mastectomy and long thoracic nerve,
identify sickle cell anemia from picture, Auer bodyquestion on osteaoarthritissaying patient have have DIP and PIP nodes, already mention about pagets, osteomalacia, osteoporesis, basal cell carcinoma identify from picture, Sq cell carcimona with picasking the histology, Thromboangitis obliterans,
2 questions on Coarctation of aortamom saying son always have cold feet, pressure high on arm
.What benefit do the person have who donates a kidneyin future.Acoustic neuroma, meningioma,
Oligodendroglioma (calcification on xray)crescentic glomerulo nephritis, picture showing kidneyHydronephrosisasking what caused it, Adult polycystic kidney (Pic)asking assciation with berry, Hydratidiform mole46XY asking how much maternal and how much paternal contribution,
plecenta previa caseasking how would you confirm itattchment in the lower uterus during cessarian section, fibroadenoma case, MEN 1?2 Graves dx questions?Papillary thyroid cancer question?Carcinoid syndrome questionParietal cells secrete HCL?Meckels diverticulum question?Whipples dx. question?Type A gastritis?duodenal ulcer feels better after food?stomach cancer question?volvulus?colorectal risk factors?Gilberts dx?Hepatocellular carcinoma (cause)?Oncogenes?Thalassemia question?Hodgkins reed sternberg?osteocyte in osteomalacia?Gout crystals?Temporal Artertis question?PAN question?black-sickle-sarcoidosis-Burkit/jews-taysacs/white-rule of f(chocystitis)/third world-TB/cholera/Reiters/trachoma(young sexually active adult is in west).mediteranian-mediteranianfev/thalassemia.rat urine-weils,cat-tox,bart.hensele(dont confuse cat scratch/tox)/chineese rest,rice-basillus serius..etc,etc.alcoholic mother-frgileX(asked many times in different ways) hutigtons.
picture of a hypersegmented neutrophil, ??the question was something like, this is caused by the lack of in the diet?????a) milk ?b) sun tan?c) leafy green vegetables?d) carrots?
what is increased on a 26 weeks neonate with hyaline membrane in the lung and why????ection of the liver, the history had a kid with a common cold and the picture belonged to a liver with fatty change............. what is the medication the mom gave the little dude????
picture of blue scleras and the question said what protein is altered????.know diabetes and MI well.lot of pictures and slides. hemat was easy. so was resp Px with signs and symptoms of Goodpasture's Disease. What would LM show of a kidney biopsy? crescents Photomicrograph of a heart muscle form a patient who died of MI. Date the infarctPhotomicrograph of plasma cells. Patient with lytic lesions in the vertebrae. What is the disease? ?-multiple myelomaPx who is HIV positive with CD4 count less than 200. Px presents with bloody diarrhea. Colonoscopy showed reddish lesions with crypt abscesses. What is the associated pathology? ?1. adenoCA ?2. Kaposi's sarcoma ?(I couldn't decide between these two ) ?6. 2 y.o. premature infarct dies after 2 days. Picture of blood clot in lateral ventricles. Cause? ?1. SAH ?2. Berry aneurysm ?3. Intracranial bleed ?57 y.o. female with back pain. Xray showed lytic lesions. What is the underlying malignancy? ?1. breast CA ?2. thyroid CA ?8. Px with Grave's disease. What is the visual field defect? ?Px with weakness, irritability, paresthesias. Photomicrograph showing basophilic stippling. To what was he exposed? ?-lead ?Photomicrograph of hypersegmented neutrophils, what is the deficiency? ?- Vit B12 or folic acid I got several photomicrographs of RBCs in Pxs with spherocytosis, sickle cell. Picture of WBCs, lymphocytes. Familiarize yourself with monocytes, basophils, you know on vitamin Dà question related to SARCOIDOSIS and Hypercalcemia. What™s the relationship? à Macrophages convert Vit. D to its active formà Hypercalcemia.??Q on Osteogenesis ImperfectaàShow BLUE sclera (picture#1) àwhat is the problem? à Abnormal Collagen type 1.?describes Ehlers Danlos what is abnormal? à Incorrect folding of Collagen à what are the associated abnormalities? à Frequent joint dislocation.??describes a case of retinoblastoma and asks what is associated with it? à Osteosarcoma??talks about a patient with pale stool and RUQ pain à primary biliary cirrhosis à they will ask you what autoantibody associated. à Anti-Mitochondrial?? describes a patient with a classic rheumatoid arthritisà Auto antibody? à Anti-IgG? shows a gross picture (picture#3) and describes codman triangle lesion in the metaphesis of a long bone and asks the diagnosisà Osteoscarcoma?Shows you a picture (picture#4) of a child à Hemangioma??describes pituitary adenoma in full (bitemporal loss of vision) à they ask you what is the derivative of that structureà Rathke™s pouch.???Q describes a case of bronchogenic CA and you have to make the association with Lambert Eaton syndrome. They will ask you- antibodies against what is the problem? à Calcium Channels in the NMJ.??Q shows a gross picture (picture#5) of Renal cell CA- all you have to do is diagnose.??Q shows a gross picture (picture#6) of polycystic renal tumor- ask diagnosis?describes a child with eczema; low platelets and immune def- ask diagnosis à Wiscott Aldrich Syndrome.? Electron micrograph of picture (picture#13) of villi, which organ? à small intestine (they can ask you anything here try to look at different pictures and see the different features of each part) ? about a child born respiratory distress, lung biopsy shows brown stuff, diagnosis? à meconium aspiration that is you always see is- a kid with nephrotic syndromeà podocyte fusionà minimal change disease. about an adult with nephrotic syndrome- Basement membrane thickeningà lesion? à membranous GN? about menopause and hormonal changes- Very important for the USMLE- they started asking more about this topic lately.? about prolactinoma (galactorrhoea, amenorrhoea, what is next appropriate investigationà cranial imaging looking for pituitary gland abnormalities.?? describes marfans syndrome and ask about complications à dissecting aortic aneurysm.? Describe scarred kidney on IVP distorted calyceal system-ask diagnosis? à Reflux nephropathy (picture#18 gives you a better understanding).? of a patient that has unilateral hearing loss- vertigo diagnosis? à meniere™s disease?asks about a patient goes into shock then recovers; next day develops abdominal pain and reduced bowel sounds- what is happening? à mesenteric infarction??Q on a patient in shock, develops renal failure, prognosis? à Renal tubular epithelium will regenerate completely if he recovers.?Q describes Addison™s (Hypotension and skin pigmentation), what™s the reason for skin hyperpigmentaion?? à Increased ACTH due to the positive feed back of dec. cortisol (ACTH acts like MSH in the case)??describes a patient who has kidney problems and now he is progressing to renal failure, his vit D levels are low, why? à conversion to Active form vitamin D (1,25 (OH)2D3 is takes place in the kidney?describes a classic case of endometriosis and describes the findingsdescribes apoptosis, asked where else it occurs à embryological period?about type of necrosis seen in a 4 day old myocardial infarct à coagulativeon Zolinger Ellison syndrome and which type of MEN association à MEN type 1asks about the most common location for Carcinoid syndrome à Appendix? on Barrets esophagus; type of change à metaplasiasometimes does not give a lot of description of achalasia but shows an x-ray usually easy to tell by the œbirds peak appearance (picture#23)?describes a case of GERD and shows gross slide (picture#24)à Barrets?on inflammation and you must know the mechanism of the edema in that case??in a picture (Picture#25) must diagnoseà intussuuception??describes marfan™s syndrome and ask what is the function of fibillin à stabilizes connective tissue integrity?on skin lesions know those 2à Nevus (picture#26) and melanoma (picture#27)about the commonest childhood cancer à ALL ? on lymphatic spread of testicular canceryou got to know that scrotal spread is different. Know the difference. Also know where prostate cancer spreads. At least you will get one question from here.??Q describes endocarditis and you have to pick the associationà Amyloidosis??Q on shipyard worker with lung problems, diagnosis? à mesothilioma??Q on the most preventable risk factor to heart disease à smoking?on a child who has thyroid hormone def. What is the pt. at risk for developing? àMental Retardation ??on an x ray pic (picture#30) of the kidney along w/ symps of kidney stones. Id the type of kidney Stone à Calcium stoneson the Symps of Carcinoid Syncfrome given along w/ icreased Hydroxy-Indole Acetic Acid (5-HIAA) in the urine, what is the dx???shows picture (picture#31) of a glomerulus given w/ diabetic symps, asked to identify the lesion? Kinimel-stein Wilson nodules (looks exactly like the one in the FA)??shows a pic (picture#32) of Squamous Cell CA, Dx? on a Microscopic (picture#35) description of Paget™s Disease (Osteitis Deformans(Pg 243 Kap notes)Haphazard arrangement of cement lines, creating a mosaic pattern of lamellar bone and will ask about the cells involve in the initial lesion? àOsteoclast? asks how you would treat the Pt who is anemic and has a renal failure. àErythropoietin (EPO)where immunoflorescence will be given....shows both granular and linear pattern will ask to identify the disease? à IgA nephropathy (Berger™s disease) Describes young male W/ lab values (hint: low ceruloplasinin) and his sister also has choreathestosis Dx? à Hepatolenticular Degeneration œWilson™s Disease.??on the location of Colon Adenocarcinoma àsplenic flexure/sigmoid colonon Symp. Of Ehler Danlos ask what is the defect? Defective lysyl hydroxylase might be a choice beware of other choicesmight ask you tx a pt. w/ who has Ieukopenia, neutriopenia. Etc àGranulocyte Colony Stimulating?? shows a Histology Slide of the Glands (breast) (picture#40), what type of change?à Hypertrophy ? on accidents might be given, with bone fractures in the lower extremities what™s the risk à fat emboslism.about an old lady falls down the stairs and had a fracture and now has resp. distress what would it cause or where would it lodge? Lungs (pulmonary embolism)?on a child with an abdominal mass (picture#4on an alcoholic man who recently had a coronary graft surgery 2 days after surgery he develops seizuresàDT? on a Gross slide (picture#42) shown of a uterus case given about an teenage girl whose uterus was the size of 16 wk gestation but she wasn™t pregnant what could it be. à hydatidiform mole slide will give the answer)?? with a picture (picture#43) of black female™s face will be shown. She has granulomas and other things will be describedàsarcoidosis.??on a young guy dies suddenly, on autopsy heart is enlargedàhypertrophic cardiomyopathy??Q descripes blunting villi àceliac sprue?with a path slide (picture#44) show (microscpic) adipocytes, a case given a guy who was chronic alcoholic- he came to hospital and dies within 2 days....What caused his sudden death? à heapatic Steatosis??on renal failure.. . àvit D production is affected?on a woman with nephrotic sx. Has membranous glomeuronephritis. “will ask about what could be seen in IF: àgranular pattern(linear for good pasture)? on a woman has a malar rash (picture#45) she has a glomeuronepbritis what marker à ds DNA??describes a guy who has urethritis, visual problems and pain in leg à reiter™s sx. ??on a guy who has a transplant, 2 week after deterioration occurred (rejection)..what cells are involvedàT cells (acute rejection) on a Patient has a dignosis of amyloidosis which stain would you useàCongo Red?? to ID edema in Kwashiorkor (picture#48) versus Marasmus (picture#49) and hypoalbuminemia. à Kwashiorkor is proteins deficientyou have to ID the oncogene and tumor markers in clinical senarios. i.e Patient skin lesions and is positive for S-100 àID melanoma??on Amniocentesis shows low alpha-feto protein, what is baby at risk for à Downs syndrome??Q on a Patient who has blood in stool, abdominal pain and a change in stool caliber, which marker would you expect to be elevated àCEA??shows a Slide (picture#53) showing various part of bone, asking where PTH act by indirectly activating osteoclastson Free radical injury, how does CCl4 damage liver,à lipid peroxidation.??Q on the Types of necrosis --Brain tissue necrosisàliqucfactive.?Acute pancreatitis à enzymatic fat necrosis?on Spherocytosis (picture#54) -what abnormality lead to ità spectrin.??Q with Clinical vignette describing S/S of CHF heart is enlaged what is the reason àhypertrophy(not hyperplasia)??Q with a Slide describing endometrial hyperplasia (picture#55)??on ankylosing spodylitis (picture#56) & relation with à HLA-B27 ??on goodpasture synd à antiglomerular basement Ab?? on Alcoholic, thiamine def, àwet beriberi (CHF), congestive (dilated cardiomyopathy) ?Asbestosis (picture#57) & relation with tumor, smoker/nonsmoker, most common tumor even in nonsmoker is bronchogenic ca.??Adult T cell leukemia, Japanese, relation with HTLV-1??HTLV-2, hairy cell leukemia??Tumor stage & its relation with prognosis??dissecting aneurysm-coz: hypertension??Opening of av fistula, high output CF, graph showing various output status??wegner™s granulomatosis, C-ANCA??CHF- pulmo edema, bilateral rales ??ST depression, subendocardial depression??Acute fibrinous pericarditis, pericardial rub??Lobar pneumonia??Asbertosis??Sarcoidosi?Sq. cell Ca??Slide swith target cells (picture#58) what causes it???avascular bone necrosis in sickle cell dz, African adult male??autoimmune hemolytic anemia, jaundice due to extra vascular hemolysis by fixed macrophages??absolute neutrophillic leukocytosis??CLL, lady over 60 yrs??Slide showing owl™s eye (picture#59), hodgkin™s dz??Congential pyloric stenosis??Celiac dz desc, reason -wheat diet ?hirschsprung™s dz (picture#60) “ reason no ganglion cells from neural crest??Angiodysplasia- common cause for elderly GI bleeding??Crohn™s dz- (picture#61) all layer involvement, linear ulcers??Clonorchis sinensis infestation??Neonatal cholestasis- billary atresia??cystic fibrosis- pulm, inf, problem in which resp epi cells -goblet cells which secret mucus??chr. Pancreatitis??Slide of APKD (picture#62)??GBM-Ab to it- G-P syndDiabetic nephropathy- slide of glomeruloscelrosis, round hyaline deposition??prerenal azotemia- mostly shock status??Scar on both pole of kidney- Cause of it?Seminoma- crpytorchid testis??Fetal lung maturity: how to detect- L:S Ratio??endometrial adenoCa??Tumors of ovary learn and understand the diff from each other??may be there slide on teratoma ovary??hydatidiform mole??slide (picture#63) of breat tissue a moveable mass in inner quadrant ??breast tumor Esgn Rc positive, how to treat- tamoxifen??DI vignette, water deprivation test, detect if central or nephrogenic??Hyperprolactinemia assoc. with Dpamine??hashmoto™s thyroiditis??cushing™s synd- dexamethasone suppesion test: +ve in pirtuitary onegastrinoma, ulcer, hyperacidity, islet tumor from pancreas G cells??ankylosing spondylitis??Slide of osteogenesis imperfecta: girl with blue sclera, type 1 collagen problem??Chondrosarcoma (try to diff all tumor by their age grp, location, bone part involv, which commonly involved specific X ray appereance,if any??Duchenne™s muscular dystrophy, SXR, calf hypertrophy, gower™s sign”defect in dystrophin??maculopapular dz can be asked. So understand their distribution ??on toxic shock”Female, MC, tampon??Slide of typical location of basal cell Ca (picture#64)?wilson™s dz, -ceruloplasmin def kayser fleischer ring (picture#65) ???Tumors of cns: in adult & child, most commong, with site??Vignette of xeroderma pigmentosum, which enz def or what if formed- Excession indonuclease /thymine dimmers.??A man with SIADH what is likely presentation? Seizure?Hemopbila A?An infant born without skull and half brain, what is wrong???Know about coagulations pathway and associated diseases,??A girl with congenital heart disease dies at the age of 17???Picture: PDA murmurA person with gastroesophageal reflex, what is the histo changes?: Metaplasia??Tumor Suppressor gene for Osteosarcoma? Rb??Osteobalsts, what enzyme is increased? Alakaline phosphatase??Pt with Intestinal cancer comes back after removal and CEA went high again? tumor recurrence??Most common tumor in kids? Wilms tumorRenal cell carcinomaGross: what causes ventricular hypertrophy (picture#68) = systemic HTN?Which organ is mainly affected in Sickle patient? spleen??A man with a brain embolism, where is the likely origin? left atrium??A bleeding person and his collagen don™t bind to platelets, what is thedisease? VW disease??Multiple myeloma cells shown (picture#69) , classis = bone lytic lesions (picture#70)??Bell shape esaphegous, what is wrong? Achalasia??Hirsbspurg™s disease??carcinoid tumor , key = increase serotonin levels in urine arise from the appendix??Alzheimer™s patient, recognize amylodosis??Alkylosis Spodylosis = HLA-B27??Increase TSR, decreased T4, what disease? primary thyrodism??Papillary carcinoma??A women with L5 fracture = Osteoporosis??LH action on Leuteal and sertoli cells??An athlete dies all the sudden in a soccer field? Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy??A sick child with subepithelial humps granular pattern??A child was bitten by bee and develops hematouria = loss of foot processes??Deficiency of what vitamin causes kidney stone??Patient with Blue sclera = collagen I deficiency??know the symptoms of zollinger-ellison??Neonate with hirshprung™s --> what caused this? migration of crest cells affected??associate anti-Jo antibodies with inflammatory myopathy?Most common cause of death in patient with SLE? (renal failure and infections]??sipple™s syndrome- what oncogene do u associate? [ret oncogene]??himoto™s clinical vignette. Patient hasincreased risk for? (thyroid lymphoma]???Pregnant teenage girl passes œviscous fluid per vagina- upon examination u finds nucleated rbc™s. Diagnosis? [partial mole]??Old lady had visual disturbances n headaches- biopsy shows fragmentation of internal elastic lamina- diagnosis? giant cell arteritis (aka temporal arteritis) ??Histo of a keratin pearl (picture#75) ” associate squamous cell carcinoma??Patient complains that he gets all itchy after a hot shower-diagnosis? [polucythemia Vera]??old man from st. louis is febrile, has black vomit, and is jaundiced (yellow fever]??associate HLA-DR7 with steroid responsive nephrotic syndrome??Patient, smoker, has digital clubbing- u suspect? mesothelioma??Patient positive for bombesin” u suspect? [pancreatic carcinoma]?Drug-induced Lupus??Parkinsonism. What wilt be histpathology findings? Lewy bodies??Alcohol with cirrhosis has displacement of stomach and colon, why? Splenomegaly??Coarctation of Aorta and pregnant diabeticsAcute Rheumatic fever findings??Which zone of lung affected most by TB???Picture of Basal cell carcinoma, Actinic keratosis??acute Ml what the gross and histo look like at all stages,??cardiac tamponadet(9,22) cmlcystic hygroma- turners syn?know histo of the hepatocyte- fxn of organelle??know histo of kidney- pct, dct, lob- where glucose is reabsardeb, where vit d is activated??restrictive cardiomyopathcarcinogens in bladder cancerprinzmetal angina- drugs, recepters??endocarditis-viral, bacterial??henoch-scholheim purpura on the Ieg-vasculitis?tuberous sclerosis- know it is assoc. WI embryonal rhabdotmyosarcoma calcifications in brain??Cancer met. to colon?Causes of malig. Hyperthermia??pathogenesis of spider angioma?cavernous sinus thrombosis- ??myasthenia gravis?paradoxical emboli- know what it means??brca met. via axillary nodes??soft tissue sarcoma??hemoglobin c??hla b27- reiters syn??proteus- uti stones- staghorn??acute panreatltis vignette-inc. amylase??Nodular glamcruloeclerosis in D.M.?desmopressin in diabetes insipidus???Cavernous hemangioma, is it bad????Wegener™s patient as described by history, given C-ANCA positive.??Ethylene glycol poisoning. Kidney findings? oxalate crystalsHL in young boy, with key being histological description of RS cell.??Difference in bile in GB vs. excreted bile? (water content)??Multiple MyelomaTarget cell in peripheral smear of man of Mediterranean descent. (Thalassemia)??Bulldozer driver digs up lots of dirt, gets pneumonia in RLL, LUL. Why???Case of tension pneumo, -shift. ID which side.??Strokes, ID artery.??Chromosome smear. Ask what would be likely finding in this patient. (Had XXY. Ans? Shrunken testes.)??Adenomas, vilus adenomas vs inflammatory.??Little girl is bowlegged and has pain. Likely maternal infection? syphilitic saber shins ??Man has a melanoma by hx. Prognosis is dependent on what characteristic? (depth)??Women with megaloblasts on peripheral smear.??Chromosomal ID. 9:22, 8:14.??Treatment for person with Wilson™s.??Woman with orange or brownish red nipple discharge. Dx???Person with history of mucosal neuromas, meduliary Ca. Dx? ??MC type of genotype found in Hydatitidiform mole???Important hormone to track associated with mole? B-hcg??Pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment of pre-eciampsla.??Man had legs crushed in accident...fat emboius??Women with bone growth would be expected to have change in what enzyme marker? (alk phos)?pectus excavatum has new diastolic murmur. Most likely problem is...???What the best thing to do for a woman to prevent osteoporosis BEFORE menopause, if she took in 250 mg calcium. Decide between inc intake or take Vit D.?In replication, what enzyme separates the two strands??Lactase deficiency is more common in adults because?Cadhenns and integrins function as integral parts of what cellular adhesion mol structure? (tight junctions, desmosomes, etc.Fingers fused together... failure of what process resulted in this abnormality? Apoptosis Slide and iron accumulating in cells -patient with bronze diabetes and asked what accumulation in the cells was? (Hemocromatosis) (picture#80)??Patient had testicular cancer and what test should be done next? Abdominal CT. ??SHOWED 5 DOFFERENT CXR,HAD TO IDENTIFY 1 OF A PATIENT WTH ALPHA 1?ANTITRYPSIN DEF,ONE WAS CLEARLY SHWN WTH TUBULAR HEART N INCREASE?INTERCOSTAL SPACES SO I PIKED THAT??WTH PATIENT HAVNG CONNS SYNDROME,THEY ASKED WCH AREA WTH TUMORWTH INTUSUSSEPTIONWTH DUODENAL ATRESIA?WTH INFECTIOUS MONO NULEOSISA PIC OF HYPERSEGMENTED NEUTROPHILS,WAT SHULDNT BE GVEN,FOLIC ACID???QS WTH CML1. tons of arthritis...what type is it? what are the symptoms...??they would ask me pt comes in and have so and sooo symptoms and then at then end tell me that this is the disease...and que ask me what additional symtoms would you see...very tough que's...??2. lots of renal failure que's about 20 que's...on chronic and acute renal....?Early evolution of MIwhat cells are found, pt with RHF senerio what other things are seennutmeg liver, subscute bacterial endocarditis..organism, TB related Pleural effusion,CT scan of abdomen, Phreochromocytoma,Pathology:?1: Cause of encephalopathy in Cirrhotic pt with bloody diarrhea .. Ammonia production from degradation of blood in intestine?2: Emhysema CT scan, whats the cause .. decrease antielastase in blood?3: Squamous metaplasia on histo slide with pt smoker presented with chronic cough?4: Hashimotos thyroiditis case?5: Many questions on adrenal gland n thydoid gland with investagations showing levels of hormones?6: Trabeculations in bladder n cystcele on cystoscopy, main cause .. BPH?7: Papillary necrosis in Sickle cell anemia?8: Injury to abdomen causing hematuria, pt again presented 5 days later with pain, Ultrasound shows dilated ureter, cause .. clot obstructing ureter ??9: Women, young age, diarrahe from 1 yr, biopsy of intestine negative, all hormones normal, unable to make diagnosis, cause .. VIPoma?10: Carcinoid sysndrome?11: Hormonal imbalace in atrophic gastritis .. increase gastrin (2 questions with different scenario)?12: Recurrent non healing ulcer .. zollinger ellison?13: Main cause of ulcer pt is smoker, alcoholic, H plori +, also taking NSAID for arthritis .. NSAID?14: Prussian stain stains .. ?? there was no option with iron, all proteins?15: Pt with MI, stent passed, ECG changes correct, cause .. reversible injury?16: Stimulus for apoptosis .. Cyt c from mitochondia?17: Fat accumulation in abdomen .. hyperplasia of fat cells in subcutanous tissue?18: Illustrated diagrams showing lipoxygenase pathway ?19: Platelet inhibitor .. Prostacyclin?20: Achondroplasia, cause .. decrease cartilage synthesis at epiphyseal growth plate?21: EDS, asked with severe clinical presentation which type .. ???22: Platelet adhesion deficiency with typical scenario n investigation ?23: Von will brand disease?24: Pulomnary embolism with specimen?25: Down syndrome, 2 question?26: Cystic fibrosis main abnormality .. increase Na reabsortion casing think sputum?27: MI at 20 yr age, whats the cause .. LDL receptor abnormality?28: Huntington disease with gross specimen of brain showing enlarged ventricles?29: SLE pt, skin lesions, what accumulated in skin .. ???30: Reddish spots in AIDS pt with pic, cause .. kaposi sarcoma ??31: Amyloidosis of lungs, abnormality .. unble to pick the answers
32: Benzene causes .. leukemia?33: Pt with breat CA, mastentomy done 5 yr back, irradiation also chemotherapy given, again has lump in axilla .. readiation sarcoma?34: HTLV oncogenic virus?35: Hodgkins staging .. i missed it by clicking 3B, answer was 3A?36: Hemagioblastoma of cerebellum, pt at risk .. renal cell CA?37: Many question ab heart with heart sounds n murmers, picked few, but most were too difficult to localise the abnormailty?38: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?39: Kartgeners syndrome with scenario?40: ARDS in newborn .. hyaline membrane on atopsy?41: Eaton lambert syndrome in small cell lung CA .. calcium channel abnormalty in presysnaptic?42: Paraneoplastic syndrome in small cell lung CA .. cant remeber which hormone asked?43: Child with adema n lipiduria, responsive to steriods.. minimal change disease?44: No metablic abnormality, young women, presented with ureter stone, composition .. Mg ammoniun phosphate???45: Hisrsprung disease?46: Meckels Diverticulum?47: Pt with mouth n anal lesions n chronic diarrhea, most common location of lesion ... terminal ileum?48: Normal female with polyps on colonoscopy at risk .. colonic CA?49: Gross specimen of mid tranverse colon with CA?50: Pt with pain radiating to back, also have cirrhosis due to alchol, also above umbilical swelling .. Ch pancreatitis ???51: Mech of vascular pathology in diabetes .. atherosclerosis?52: Acute cholicystitis typical presentation?53: Spherocytes in blood, test to confirm diease .. osmotic fragility?54: Pt with squamous cell CA of jaw, virus involved .. EBV ???55: Phledelphia chrmosome has .. tyrosine kinase activity?56: 45 yr female, breat lump, movable .. fibroadenoma or fibrocystic change ???57: Pt has swelling in left testis, on lying disappears .. Spermatocele?58: Aseptic meningitis?. Pt present w/hyperpigmentation in the axilla and biopsy of the stomach show cancer, asking what is the underlying disease ? ?11. Pt present w/ lower GI bleeding and EM show some kind of gastric tissue in it ? good one ?12. Pt had a history of Multiple Myeloma and now present w/ lesion in the kidney, lesion was stained w/Congo Red? ? Picture showing chromosomes defect on 14 and 18 (did not said, but you have to figure out) and asking for tumor marker? This one is tricky, but careful Pt present w/Turner™s and asking what is the underlying disease? Coaratation ?21. Pt present w/ Ankylo Spon and asking how to diagnosed ? HLA-B27 was not the choicePt come in showing malabsorption, diarrhea, hx of gastrectomy, PBS showed hypersegmented, asking what is responsible for the symptoms ? pernicious and B12 were both on there, I let you guy decide on this one ?What is the risk factor for DIC? Abrupto placenta Pt present w/oily skin and family history of acne, what vitamin does this pt def? I put Vit A cuzz that was the only fat soluble on there, B1, B2, B3, B6 Case of woman going into res. Distress and dies, what happened? .. Pulmonary infarct. Case of hyperthyroid man with normal TSH, normal radioactive Iodine ?uptake, normal thyroid size, whataTMs the problem?A.. exogenous dose of thyroid hormones. ?Case of elderly woman who doesn™t have marked osteoporosis, why? A .. elevated serum estrogens. ? What does estrogen do to lipid profile? A.. increase HDL and decrease LDL. A ~ What is evident in lung section of fetus with ?Respiratory Distress syndrome? A~. no surfactant, I chose amniotic fluid. ~ ?A ~ Case of megalobalstic anemia without peripheral neuropathies A.. folate def. Case of Marfand£TMs Synd. A.. autosomal dominan Case of elevated alpha feto-protein in 16 week of pregnancy. Maybe eossible overestimation of fetal age. ?A ~ STAGE has more prognostic value than grade. ?Case of man having back pain and difficulty in urination A ..prostatic adenocarcinoma -metastisis. ?A ~ Case of man with diff in urination, enlarged prostate but normal psAA .. chronic prostititis? ?A ~ M spike on electrophoeresis A ..multiple myeloma A ~ Case of mega colonA ..HursprungdTMs dis ?A ~ Pt with resting tremor A. .substantia nigra. ParkinsondTMs A~ Temporal arteritis can lead to A.. blindness. ??GBS-guillian barre syndrome ? pulmonary embolism- 2 questions 31. duchennes muscular dystrophy 32. autism ?
Potter's sequence
Down's assoc. with ALL
coarctation of aorta
Klinefelter's (picture of karyotype)
Von Hippel-Lindau disease
Hereditary Spherocytosis
prostate adenocarcinoma
basal cell carcinoma
many, many anemia question
beta thalassemia
several smoking questions
acute pancreatitis
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
abnormal pulmonary flow volume loops (at least 2 questions)
neonatal RDS
epidural hematoma (MRI)
absence seizure
Horner's syndrome
rhematoid arthritis
celiac sprue
many SLE questions
Graves disease
Conn's syndrome
hydatiform mole
many MEN I, II, III questions
breast cancer
iscehmic heart disease
aortic stenosis
syphilitic heart disease
temporal arteritis
polyarteritis nodosa (assoc with Hep B)
many acidosis/alkalosis questionsCystic Fibrosis kid, what chromosome is the defect on? Philadelphia chromosome found in what condition? What do u see on EM with a kid with minimal change disease?
>10. Athelete suddenly collapses while playing baseball, what kind
>of cardiomyopathy? . Question on Fe deciciency anemia, what values u see with TIBCseurm Ferritin, etc Person with diabetes insipidus what lab values do u see?
>27. Person with SIADH what lab values do u see?
>28. How do u distinguish between an insulimona and person who is
>taking insulin for diabetes?
>29. What cardiovascular problem is seen in a patient with Marfan's
>30. What cardiovasular problem is seen in patient with teritiary
>31. What problems with eyes is seen in patient with teritiary
>syphilis? What kind of pattern seen on EM of patient with Goodpasteurs?
>59. Picture of vegetations on aortic valves, what kind of problem
>will they cause?
>60. Know difference between R sided heart failure and L sided heart
>failure Give heparin to person but no change in PT or PTT what is
>67. What changes in persons PT, PTT and Bleeding time with von
>Willebrands disease?
>68. Same as above but now person with hemophilia A? where both clotting pathways meet
>4. acute MI what the gross and histo look like at all stageswilsons- they showed the kleiser fleicher ring cystic hygroma- turners syn b-cell def- no germinal centers in LN scleroderma- ab agains ebv in Aids cancer- lymphoma know histo of the hepatocyte- fxn of organelle- I had mitochiondria
>28. know histo of kidney- pct, dct, loh- where glucose is reabsordeb, where vit d is activated
>29. restrictive cardiomyopathy marasmus
>32. carcinogens in bladder cancer
>33. schistosomes in bladder cancer
>34. ASCVD-2 q's
>35. prinzmetal angina- drugs, recepters, -2 q's
>36. endocarditis-viral, bacterial ida, anemia of chronic dz
>39. vwb dz- whats up?
>40. henoch-scholheim purpura on the leg-vasculitis
>41. pathogenesis of TBBAL fluid microscopic slide: it looks like darkly staining organisms with narrow based darkly staining bud, these are not inside macrophages or anything. What™s the virulence factor? (choices I remembered are: large capsule, production of alveolar exudates [but I swear it didn™t look like PCP], intracytoplasmic location [but I swear it™s not])?.Alzheimer™s, Pick™s and all those dementias including Huntington™s..Down™s syndrome. This, plus AIDS are like the theme for most of my cases.?Curves for CHF and the like
Which cells in testes provide the Blood Testes barrier:
Answer: Sertoli cells 
Which organ in the body releases most ANG II into the body?
Answer: lungs (has ACE) Hereditory Spherocytosis and treatment
Answer: splenectomy 
IgG spike on plasma proteins (shown in a diagram) and asked how the patient presented
Answer: bone pain 
Hirschprung™s disease and what causes it 
Patient presents with cirrhosis after being diagnosed of liver disease many years ago. When he presented at first ALT was elevated, what is the most likely cause of cirrhosis?
Answer: Hep C (if AST was higher, it would have been alcoholic cirrhosis). 
Chronic pancreatitis and its association with alcoholism 
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma and signs associated with it (eg. Weight loss, obstructive jaundice and palpable gallbladder 
Diagnosis of emphysema in a non-smoker 25 year old with dyspnea, hyperexpanded lung fields and lowered breath sounds and it™s association with a1antitrypsin deficiency (panacinar emphysema) 
Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with small cell carcinoma of the lung and the signs associated with it (eg. Hyponatremia associated with SIADH in small cell carcinoma) 
Patient presents with tremor and rigidity, upon taking history you find out that patient has been experiencing with a designer drug. What is the most likely region of the CNS that™s involved
Answer: Dopaminergic neurons of substantia nigra 
Treatment of Parkinson™s 
Patient presents with signs and symptoms of arthritis, morning stiffness and Dup. Deformity of the hands and fingers, what abnormal test result is expected.
Answer: Anti-IgG antibodies in the serum (diagnostic of RA) 
At least 3 questions on gout and drugs used for it (eg. Patient presents with joint pain after chemotherapy for Hodgkin™s lymphoma, etc.) 
Hyperaldosteronism and it™s diagnosis based on renin, Na and K values in plasma 
Distinguishing between primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency 
Pheochromocytoma and drugs used for it (esp. nonselective irreversible alpha blocker) 
All the features associated with MEN I and MEN II 
Hypho and Hyperthyroidism and diagnosis based on symptoms and signs and plasma values of T3, TSH for each 
Diabetes types I and II (at least 5 questions)
¢ Ketoacidosis associated with type I
¢ Symptoms associated with diabetic coma
¢ Renal complications (arteriosclerosis and glomerular lesions on light microscope
¢ Lab values associated with diabetic ketoacidosis
Carcinoid tumor diagnosis based on symptoms and what abnormal test is positive in urine
Answer High HIAA in urine 
Osteoprosis and it™s association with corticosteroids yadid mole and increased HCG associated with it early in pregnancy 
Endometrial hyperplasia and incrased risk of endometrial carcinoma with abnormal uterine bleeding 
An obese female presents with high LH and hirsutism. Dx?
Answer: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 
Cardiomyopathies esp. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: hypertrophy involves the interventricular septum and 50% is caused by mutation in B globin gene of heavy chain (familial). Usually seen in athletes. 
Heart murmurs and their diagnosis based on features of the murmur 
DVT and pulmonary embolism. Bone marrow embolism seen as a complication of bone fractures. May lead to sudden death. 
Wegener™s granulomatosis and it™s Dx based on symptoms (C-ANCA was not given). WG involves the upper airways and you™ll see granulomas (this is the distinguishing feature from Goodpasture™s syndrome 
Minimal change disease effacement of BM  hashimotos= 2 q's Atrial hypertrophy on cxr?> 74. paradoxical emboli? pathogenesis of gall stone-supersat. Of?> cholesterol acute panreatitis vignette-inc. amylase?> 82. nodular glomerulosclerosis in D.M. endometriosis?cushings syn?> 93. addisons dz?pseudo gout?> 98. neuro syph- arguile robinson pupil?anemias ?-bleeding disorders ?-multiple myeloma ?-obstructive lung dz ?-ARDS ?-arthritis ?-SLE ?-ankylosing spondylitis ?-osteoporosis and compression fractures ?-hydatidiform mole  is 46 XX ?-breast dz (what a blocked lymph duct would look like??) ?-Coxsackie B (dilated cardiomyopathy) ?-heart murmurs ?-temporal ateritis (tx: prednisone) ?-acid/base graphs ?-Xray of pnuemothorax ..know diabetes and MI well.lot of pictures and slides. hemat was easy. so was respi.multiple myeloma?figure of brainstem megaloblastic anemia?MS murmur, ?androgen insensitivity symdrome,?4-5 blood questions ( CLL, Iron deficiency anemia, vWD,)?Contraindication of lung transplantation(optins are Severe depression, Continued smoking, Obsessive Compulsive disorder),?VALVULAR HEART DISEASES KNOW THEM WELL(2-3 QS ARE ALWAYS THERE)SOME IMP TUMORS FROM WCH U WILL DEF GET THE QS VON-RECKHLING HAUSENS DISEASE TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS ?*OSLER-WEBER RENDU DISEASE ?*NF-2 ?*STURGE WEBER SYNDROME ?*VHL ?10.KNOW GENERAL NEOPLASIA CHAPTER REALLY WELL,THEY ASK THNGS RELATING TO A PARTICULAR CANCER CAUSES N PREVENTIONpatho?DM-- nodulosclerosis -- pic?Hyperpalstic arteriolsclerosis?Ischemia-- irreversible injury changes?enzymatic fat necrosis?p53 gene-- 4/5q?retinobalstoma/ostesarcome 2 q?osteoporosis?prostate hyperplasia?infiltratin ductal ca -- pic?renal cell ca -- pic?renal paillary necrosis--pic?berry aneurysm --pic -- identify the artery on MRI?7th nerve-- pic?epidural hematoma--pic?cmv retinitis--pic?VSD-- murmur?VSD-- changes in PO2 in varoius chambers?PDA - maintenance and a pic of it?SVC syndrome?pulmonary arterial changes in sarcoidosis?sarcoidosis-- fibroisis of the lung-- comparision of lung volumes?SLE -- ANA?RA--?Osteoarthritis?osteosarcoma?paget`s?(i was heavily tested on musculoskeltal diseases - which i`m very poor at-- i got even poor performance on this topic in nbme exams, i neglected it again and i did not prepare well)pt with sudden increase of BP, (pheochromocytoma)?-brown fat, and HOW it generates heat?-Lupus cerebritis (??) confused on this one , havent came across lupus cerebritis in my studies Sad?-pearly plaques and pt with skin tumor?-ca in situ vs. invasive ca?-pic of kid's eyes --> collagen (brittle bone disease)?-a mic pic of many cilia ,and asked what it's for( been confused for a minute, because the pic looked really cool, like bunch of flowers not cilia (p. 68 in 2005 F. Aid)?-fetus and decreased amniotic fluid. where's the defect?some weird answers, no kidney hypoplasia,but some strictures like ureteropelvic/ureterovesical?/weird choice*Fetal Hb:e.g.a>g>b>d(a=alpha,g=gama,b=beta,d=delta)..4 diff.combinations given?*patient with multiple sexual partners,family h/o cx cancer-has CIN;which is risk factor??*first sign of alcohol withdrawal-ataxia/convulsions/tremors?*Baby with CT showing dilated ventricles,no cerebellum?Arnold-chiari syn./Dandy walker/holoncephaly?*young athelet with few cardiac problems-died?cardiomyopathy/fibroelastosis/CHF?*casparases in apoptosis?*juvenile RA-but not classic clues given?*fibromyalgia case?*chediac Higashi syn.?*histo-path slide given,asked diagnosis.?Renal cell ca/transitional ca/nephroblastoma?*endometriosis?*2 cases of PID with infertility?*reason for protein loss in nephritic-loss of negative charge?*2 qs on CD,UD?*qs on colon ca?*significance of CEA level(for diagnosis/staging/grading/localization of tumor)?*post-streptococcal nephritic disease?*Membranous NS?*CT of abdomen-hepatic angiogram in hepatic hemangioma(occupying almost left lobe of liver)-?*lipoprotein lipase is secreted by..hepatocyte/kuffer`s cells/lipocyte/multiloculated adipocyte/uniloculated adipocyte?*young girl-fibrocystic change of breast?*described `streak ovary`s histo.findings-Turner`s syndrome?*common site for adeno CA..asc.colon/desc./transverse colon/rectum?*VIPoma q.?*coagulation factor deficiency.?*ALL”CALLA ag,CD10?*polycythemia ?*photograph of long standing leg edema”due to arterial insufficiency/venous valve incompetency/cirrhosis/nephritic?*polyarteritis nodosa?*gross specimen of liver”looked like secondaries in it?*neonate with annular pancreas-levels of direct,indirect bilirubin,urobilinogen?*patient on hemolysis-x-ray shows osteopenia-what is given?1,25deoxycholecalciferol?*carcinoid syn-urine levels of indoleacetic acid?*desmin positive lesion at the hip”it was hard to figure out from given choices?*GBS in a patient with gastroenteritis?*dryclean worker-ulcer on leg?*temporal arteritis?*cluster headache?*migraine?*PCOS-if untreated?endometrial ca/type1 DM/adrenal atrophy/adenosis?*CO poisoning-?*Goodpastures?*iron def.anemia in old lady-next step?look for occult blood in stool(colon CA?)?*biopsy findings of colonic polyp.?*diagnosis by looking at the photograph”one growth in colonadenoma/villous papilloma?*thyroid nodule in post-radiation case-path.slide was shown and asked for diagnosis.?Medullary/papillary/follicular?*A-V malformation in rabbit`s ear-how it is diff.than normal vessel?Not able to remember the options.?*Familial hypercholesterolemia.???
Know what Chediak-Higashi is and how it can present
Know the major causes and how babies present with R to L shunts k (and vice versa)
Case on pt with signs of coarctation. Shown CXR with rib notching then asked what is responsible for that? Ans: Internal Mammary
Howell-Jolly bodies: DNA/Nucl fragments - post-splecnectomy states
Plummer-Vinson: Esophageal webs
In 50s male with LLQ colicky pain - diverticulitis
- Diff bit UC and Crohn's. Did receive a pathological specimen of both - one person had UC specimen, the other had Crohn's - know how to recognize both!!!! AAAAA Adult pt comes with yellowed eyes. Went to a retreat where everyone came down with something similar. BOTH AST AND ALT were elevated (not just one more than other!!!) I put down Hep. A (even though we are told that usually ALT is more higher than AST in viral hepatitis)
Pt with case scenario of acute prancreatitis. Phosphate is high and Calcium is low. Which lab level drawn will be abnormal. Ans: PTH would be low b/c the increased proteolytic enzymes would destroy PTH.
Pt presents with dyspnea and has to be intubated - has ARDS. In ARDS what type of cells are destroyed? Ans: Type I pneumocytes are destroyed
Pt with dysphagia, cold extremities, (picture of fingers frozen bent), hard lumpy Calcium deposits in skin - basically has CREST.
Ankylosing spondylitis - what marker is it associated with? Ans: HLA - B27(????) Photo slide of PBS (periph blood smear) with Auer rod (suggestive of AML). What is the prognosis?
Post-op pt with fever, dyspnea, not ambulating. Shown autopsy of saddle pulmonary thromboembolus
"White star of Death" on head CT scan -~ highly suggestive of subarachnoid hemorrhage. (There is good picture of this in First Aid for the Boards)
During surgery, surgeon happens to find mass with hair and bone. Which germ cell layer did this arise from? Ans: Teratoma - from all 3 layersA pt comes in with retrosternal pain, jaw pain, no left shoulder pain. Pain with exertion. EKG with acute changes. (Coming in with an MI picture.) What is the medical intervention necessary at this point? Ans: Give nitrates, 02, morphine
Pt with Low grade Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. What is tx? Ans - watchful waiting.
Poiycystlc kidney disease (gross specimen) Brain Infarct (gross specimen)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (microscopic picture)
Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis.(gross specimen)
Sickle cell disease (peripheral blood smear under miavsc ope)
Hashimoto's thyroldttls (microscopic picture) Nutmeg liver (gross specimen)
infective endocarditis (gnus specimen)
Aplasiic anemia-appearance of the bone marrow (microscope picture) Muttiple myeloma (microscope picture)
Diabetic glomeruionephmis (microscope picture)
Simple Inflammation reaction (miavscope picture)
Down's assoc. with ALL PDA
coarctation of aorta
Klinefelter's (picture of karyotype) CF
Von Hippel- Lindau disease Hereditary Spherocytosis Burkitt's
prostate adenocarcinoma basal cell carcinoma
many, many anemia question beta thalassemia
ITP, TTP achalasia
several smoking questions hemochromatosis
acute pancreatitis pancreatic adenocarcinoma COPD
abnormal pulmonary flow volume loops (at least 2 questions) neonatal RDS
epidural hematoma (MRI) PML
absence seizure Homer's syndrome osteoarthritis rhematoid arthritis celiac sprue
many SLE questions Graves disease Sarcoidosis scleroderma Goodpasture's Conn's syndrome pheochromocytoma BPH
hydatiform mole
many MEN I, II, III questions breast cancer
iscehmic heart disease
aortic stenosis
syphilitic heart disease Takayasu's
temporal arteritis
polyarteritis nodosa (assoc with Hep B)
many acidosis/alkalosis questions
Stillborn, olygohydramnios, lung hypoplasia, ?most likely: kidneys' agenesis* (Potter) Hydronephrosis + hydroureter in newborn, ?pathogenesis -+Post urethral valves BUT they wrote instead: congenital stenosis of membranous urethra*
1) Pt described with hematuria, flank mass, ?disease: Renal cell ca (hypernephroma*)
2) Pt with vertebral compression # + multiple blastic lesions, most likely? Metastatic prostate adenoca
3) Pt w/Hx of working in an asbestos factory + heavy smoker, now SIADH + weight loss ?small cell* ?mesothelioma ?bronchioalveolar
4) Pt w/abn CSF, lymphocytosis, cranial nerve palsies,? most likely: TB meningitis*
5) Pt w/severe osteoporosis: arrows for PTH, ca++, P,etc know this table from BRS path very least 2 or 3 qs
6) Newborn at term, infant of diabetic mother, resp distress, ?most likely: Meconium aspiration sy
7) Described pt suffering from Horner's sy, etc ?underlying disease: Lung ca*
8) Description child w/findings consistent w/ nephrotic sy , urinanalysis? ovoid fat cells*, RBCcasts, WBC casts etc
9) Atrophic pancreas + calcifications on CT, ?underlying disease: 1alcoholism*, ?gallstones
10) Pt w/incr amylase, midepigastric pain, known cholelithiasis; ?etiology: ?cbd stone,
stone in ampulla?, stone in cystic duct?
11) Bartholin's abscess
12) pt w/hydatiform mola, ?karyotype
13) Pt a month after resection of hydatiform mola, incr hCG, ? chorioca ?residual
14) Type of diarrhea in AIDS pt
15) Type of diarrhea in Immunocompromised
16) AIDS pt +ring enhancing lesions on CT, abn CSF, +path slide; not India ink!, ?Nocardia, ? Toxoplasma? Cryptococcus
17) Von Wille brand /ITP/TTP 3 or 4 qs w/different values of incr, deer or N PT, PTT, etc know this well
18) Female 80 yo, on X-rays Dx of OA, pt with articular + muscular pain, given NSAID, got better, ?mostlikely: ?polymyalgia rheumatica ?RA
19) Boy with large polyp in rectum containing different tissue types: ?hamartoma, ?Angiomyolipoma etc

you are very welcome..i just wish it was better organised...cut and paste in word and put in separate lines... i dont know why it looks like a big mass of text, so intimidating to read :-(
dolly, where did u get this? are these peoples actual step 1 exam questions?
this is a compilation subject wise of remembered qs from many many ppl's exam experiences...this above is the path collection
i got it from the archives in this forum
Could you pliz repost the above remembered q's like a link? unfortunately this website does not accept formatted text
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