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pharmacology Q for U folks! - one
A 32 year old man was found unconscious by his wife. During the past week was diagnoticated with scabiosis and has been receiving treatment with Malathion.
Upon arrival at emergency room was unconscious, salivating profusely, breathing shallowly.BP: 110/80 mmHg. Pulse: 50/mint Respirations: 15/mint. Sat O2: 71%. Both pupils were contracted and did not response to light. Auscultation of chest: Moderate wheezing and numerous rhonchi. Abdomen: Hyperactive bowel sound. Extremities showed subcutaneous muscle fasiculations. Also present urinary incontinence.
The symptoms and signs are related with?

a)Depolarization as direct result of the influx of sodium ( An excitatory Postsynaptic Potential; EPSP) through nicotinic receptors .

b)Direct Acting of Muscarinic Type 2 receptors and decress production of cAMP

c)A inhibition of cholinesterase by a phosphate and over stimulation of Muscarinic and Nicotic receptor

d)Results from the release of Endothelium Derived Relaxion Factor in vessel mediated by uninnervated muscarinic receptors on the endothelium cells

Here comes the answer and why... Answer C,
Remember Memo œDUMBELS for the indirect acting cholinomimetic drugs toxicity : which stands for diarrhea, urination, miosis, bronchoconstriction, exitation ( of skeletal and CNS), lacrimation, and salivation, and sweating. He was receiving treatment with Malathion (a scabicide) and this is a organophosphate. And the mechanism of actions is to form an extremely stable phosphate complex with the cholinesterase, inhibiting it.
greta armani!
answer c
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