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fecal matter reporting..EXAM OVER! - fecalmatter
hey guys, been semi-quiet member. just got back from exam...couldnt sleep lastnight but it turned out to be a blessing because i listened to goljan endocrine section and beleive it or not i got about 10 questions from goljan just from the night before..anyways
3.5 months about 8-10 hours a night 6 days a week
nbme 1 online exam Aug6th, 2007- 490 (216)
NBME 2 online exam August 16th, 2007 -490 (216)
usmleworld finished 75% questions completed
timed,unused,random block of 50 average 64 percent...was a lot higher last 10 tests..around 70+

THE EXAM....guys, im being honest here, i am a normal guy that likes to work hard. I would come on this forum beginning of may and get so scared by people posting all these hard concepts that i couldnt follow, and people telling horror stories of how hard the exam is. here is my experience
block 1- complete joke, I NEVER get done with UW block of 50 with time remaining, but on actual exam, got done with first block with 5 minutes to spare
block 2- getting tough these were like UW questions, some not that hard- still on time
block 3 and 4 HARD!!!!. very obscure MRI's or wierd cases in ethics, mice questions, occasional easy questions like USMLE FREE CD. every other question seemed to be immuno,micro, and endocrine pathophysiology with arrows pointing up and down
block 5 -easier compared to previous 2- getting lot of chest xrays, starting to hurry on time now, i think i guessed on last question
block 6- Intermediate questions, BUT STEM LENGTH WAS LONG- 9..10 lines plus lab values and all sorts of distractor information. I had about 30 long stem questions
block 7- mix of easy and medium questions

my overall take..ill wait and see, i think i passed the exam, but not sure if i scored as high as my NBME 2 exam. The exam is very unique in that there are some areas that no matter how much you study, most of the time people will get those questions wrong it is a random mix of question types. personally USMLEWORLD saved me on this test, if i pass and do well i will personally write them an email saying thank you. My personal advice- 1) COMPLETE EACH AND EVERY UW WORLD QUESTION!!! i see many times people review and do multiple readings, it is okay but the best is UW. forget kaplan qbook, and usmlerx- complete garbage
2)-FIRST aid, unfortunately i didnt look at this too much, because i felt it hard to memorize obscure little lines like for example ( use for prophylaxis 5th line if patient has retardation)- just and example, but it is TRUE. if you memorize those wierd lines and FIRST AID, the double jump questions become easy questions. MEMORIZE each line in first aid- even if you think it is stupid
3)Goljan-i am a die hard goljan fan, in fact i used my kaplan and BRS pathology book as paperweights- but it is also true what people say- you dont need gojlan to do well, and infact it might even be a little to much for STEP 1. the writers of step 1 want to really test your basic concept. it is amazing how they will write a long clinical case and they are basically asking something like " why shouldnt you give ACE-I for renal artery stenosis" Personally id advise kaplan for path, but supplement with UW questions
pharm- i found it true, first aid is all you need. DO NOT BOTHER WITH KAPLAN pharm unless you have no foundation of pharm
micro-FA is enough
immuno,genetics,BIOCHEM- all kaplan they are the best at it
my personal advice: maybe i failed terribly and guessed everythign wrong, but this exam is NOT as hard as people make it out to be, very doable
also, FA- is all you need for behavioral and ethics, they love the formulas and ETHICS questions.

signing out, reporting live
congrats, you did it. I felt terrible about mine. GL for your score!
GL with ur score fecalmatter
thnx for really nice and detailed info!
hey guys, i know its normal to go into "post step 1 depression" most of the people i talked to hated how they felt after the exam(even if they got 240 and above), but I dont feel so bad, so chances are i goofed it up,...we will see
thanks guys, for the support, another advice is this exam is almost like a puzzle not to test how much medicine you know, but how fast you are with mind puzzles and logic maybe closer to IQ type exam- so when studying for USMLE step 1 try not to spend too long on 1 subject, try to rapidly alternate subjects so your brain gets used to thinking about lysosomal storage disease one question then ethics the next, then pathophys the next. during the last month try to cover 3 different subjects a day from different topics, because middle of my exam i would get confused on VERY simple concept for example, marfans, cystionine sythanse deficiency, ehlers danlos, osteogenesis imperfecta it started to become blurry but i took a break right at the end of the block
best of luck- open for questions this week
just now i flushed u out from my toilet and u appear here fecal matter! lol
ok thx for the input !!!!wish u to have a good relaxation and then to heargood news about your score and sure to change your nickname

thank you for the advice, and sharing a great experience, its not like the id you have, dont be afraid, i know a girl, she scored 95, after the test, she said, her exam was funny and weird, i wondered how exam could be funny. wish you a great score!
thanks, also im sure you guys all know this exam loves putting useless information in the question, so make sure to know the bread and butter presenting signs and lab values that will almost always narrow down answer choices to 2( if the question is presented as a clinical correllate) they will have a question on depression, but mention the womans uncle who was abused and how he fractured his hip and did drugs
good luck.i am sure you will get a 99.
thanx for sharing
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