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help with PGY2 position - doc_07
Can any kind soul help me on how to switch pgy2 position from one hospital to another in IM. Anyone who has changed hospitals please please let me know the procedure..Thanks in advance
seems like you have already got the PGY2 position...

r u transferring from an H1 to a H1 or J1 program?

r u transferring to a program in same state or another state? may be you will have issues with your registration in either case to solve about...

have you tried to explore the acgme web site

or try contacting their appropriate officers, they should be able to guide you.
Please post your experience here for everyone's benefit...
I am pgy1 now but for pgy2 I want to transfer to my home state next year. But I just dont know how to transfer and look for open positions. sorry no visa issues
I searched the acgme website with these terms

resident transfer
call all the programs u r interested in... tell them u r looking 4 a pgy2 spot..... give them an idea about yourself, and semnd them your file... in person if u can....they'll let u know if something opens up!
r u a PGY1 prelim Int med candidate going to PGY2 in neuro/dermat/anaesthesia/radio etc?

or simply moving to PGY2 I med from any other PGY1 I med?

Transfer Residents
Q. If I accept a transfer resident into the program, are there procedures that should be followed?
A. Yes. Prior to accepting the resident, the program director must receive written verification of the resident's
previous educational experiences and a statement regarding the performance evaluation of the
transferring resident.
The RC does not ask to be notified of the acceptance of a transfer resident, provided you have an open
position for the resident.

Q. Our program would like to transfer sponsorship to another institution. What is required for this
type of change?
A. Transfer of sponsorship requires a letter from the program™s current sponsor (the DIO and the institution™s
senior administrative official) indicating willingness to give up sponsorship, and a letter from the proposed
sponsor (the DIO and the institution™s senior administrative official) indicating willingness to sponsor. The
letters should be addressed to the Executive Director of the program™s RC, with a copy to the Director of
the Department of Field Activities.
Many RCs require a site visit prior to a transfer of sponsorship, and programs and institutions planning to
transfer sponsorship should contact the Executive Director of the program™s RC before initiating the
process. Upon transfer of sponsorship, the name of the program changes to that of the new sponsor in all
ACGME records.
If you are a Ophthal candidate:


Regarding Resident Transfer from Program to Program and Completion of Residency Training:
The R.R.C. approved the use of the American Board of Ophthalmology's (ABO) Program Director's Checklist for
Residents "Satisfactory Completion of Residency Training." In addition, an ABO form for "Interim Evaluation of
Resident Changing Programs" was approved for residents who transfer programs. Please contact the ABO
directly for additional information or to obtain the form (610.664.1175).
see pages 4 and 5 of this sept. 2007 bulletin,

hope all this helps. please put the pieces together and you can search more on the acgme website as it pertains to you.

good luck.
thanks a bunch i_am_g..i really appreciate your help. I am PGY1 in IM and going into PGY2 IM. just want to move to closer to my family.
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