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HTN management - resident07
If you had to pick one drug for HTN management - would you pick a diuretic or B blocker?
diuretics,should be first .
both them are first line therapy
if i have to choose one
wiil depend on patients CI contreindications...
like black less sensitive to Diuetic!

please correct me if i am wrong!

sagar s
depends on the age of the patient.
if young than beta blocker
if aged than diuretic - HTZ[ hypercalciuria ], Furosemide
if diabetic ACE inhibitor
if african american - calcium channel blocker
if overall survival rate increase - ace inhibitor and beta blocker

anyone would liek to add?
well in young beta blockers are not preffered as they cause impotence
i agree with numita
it will all depend on the situation but maybe what residen07 wnated to say is that if they only give a history of HTN and no additional info,.which drug would you use? i'd choose diuretics.
ht and osteoporosis...tiazidicos
ht and anterior infract...metoprolol ( prevent new inarction)....also ACE if EF is low
ht and diabetes....ACE
ht and young pt or no complication....hidroclorotiazidics
ht and asthma....diuretic.( HCZ)
ht and angina.....metoprolol ( antiangine)
ht and tremor....propanolol
great, thanks!
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