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second time failed - peace162
first time i failed in data gathering , sep was in higher range passed cis
this time passed cis and datagathering
failed speaking english proficiency.........
studied english since i started going school........god please curse those people who evaluted me in this exam..............................


pull yourself together..
it's ok to feel bad..
then try again..
i know how you must be feeling coz i too failed twice, 1st time in cis and second in ice. and finally passed today got the report. so dont get disheartened and schedule the exam again...... all the best
Sorry to hear that . Do not give up. Try harder next time. Practice for timed patient interview and patient notes. Do do practice with the same set of people all the time becoz you get cozy and confident but when it it comes to real exam,u are probably nerve wrecked.If you have kaplan centre of a ned university near you ,then go and practice there. Nothing wrong in asking people to help you. Practice on the phne with people especially on the forum and they will tell u the truth where your mistakes lie.Learn from them and dont get ofended.
I fail 1 time, all 3 column, sad..
really sorry abt your result peace i kno its depressing but dont give up.. as hyatt said practice in timed mode all the cases atleast two times this time and practice with diff ppl atleast two to three. be it your parents or a fren or anyone. give only wen ur confident.thats very imp.
I failed either.
My heart was broken when I saw the word "Fail", especially thought of my wife and kids. They are also waiting for my results and pray for me to match successfully this year. We are saving money for my exams and applications, It is just too hard to afford it. I hate the exam and also myself.
i really dont know what should i be doing now ............obviuosly i am very sad at this moment........... passed all steps in one attemps scores in 80s interview tillnow........was hoping to get it as i after the results ............ thanks for the support

i failed as well........
life smiles at u then bite u in the ass and no one to blame but me
i am so sorry about that, this is the time to remember persons like Abrahum Lincoln, and the great scientist Edison,who invented the bulb after one thousand failed experiments,
go for kaplan classes if no economical restrains, otherwise get a good group for practice
wish you good luck for future
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