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any mom with newborn out there? - step1gurl
hello. i just gave birth a month ago, i would like to know if there is anyone out there in thesame situation as i am..I plan to take the step 1 exam as soon as possible. can u please advice if this is doable? or if you know anybody who did it
hi step1gurl.....first of all iam a man ,,coz u aske about a mom newborn...and i wana say yes u can do it ...just be organized and fix ur time then u will be fine ...the reason iam saying that is i find this story interresting for u(check the link below to know the story). it is a story of a mom like u did it with great success but the different thing is she did it while pregnant(7 month fetus kicking her )....i think u r in the same sitiuation but she was more tierd than u (taking care of the fetus while inside).but u have to take care of the baby who is outside ....wish u the is the link
Hi can definitely do it
Good luck...Just give it a best shot....
Anything is possible.
I am a proud dad of twins (11 mths old).
so, same thing here.
work hard and leave everything to HIM.
HE will take care.
Good luck again.
Hi, I have a study partner that have a newborn and she studies on every opportunity the baby is asleep and when her husband is at home she leaves the baby with him. It is tough but it is doable. Good luck!
not yet but i will have soon Smile I am 8 months pregnant now and i have 2 other kids, a 6 yrs old and a 4 yrs old. It's tough but i think we can do it. this site inspired me to take back my dreams despite of the impossible situation i am now. I take care of my family and put their needs first before i go and study. It's a slow and tedious process but i'll never lose hope, i listen to goljan every free time that i have, and read my books when the kids are sleeping. Hopefully everything will be okay.
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