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Step 3 computer failures and the decision -

I took my step3 exam on 04/31/04 and computer system
failed twice during my CCS sessionand I was waiting 15-20 min for the tech to fix the computer. These destructions
affected my overall performance during the other CCS
sections and I also lost two cases. I contacted NBME for review, and the respose was that the failures and the lost of the cases did not effected my overall score and received my score (73)-fail.
I did not find in the letter that this decision was based on any written NBME policy but just the explenation of the exam service spesialist.
They did not offer me any choice like repeate ccs or entire axam or samthing else. Who make this decision and what is the NBME policy, god knows.

Please help if some one had similar situation and what to do next. There should be a writen policy for situation like this: computer failure and not a person who review the sofware to make the decision.
This is reticulous.

i saw your message on Are you sure that you took the test on 4/31/04 ? Because there are only 30 days in april. You have made 2 consecutive similar errors in your date on both websites leading one to think that you may be lying.

Dear friend:

I had similar kind of problem when I took my test last year. I immediatly informed the center and made a written complaint with tem and kept a copy with me. Later I called ( they never pay attention to my complaint) the people who are taking care of the exam result. They came up with several excuses and lies. Some people with out checking anything told me taht I did 9 cases. I did 7 cases only. I told my 7 cases and asked for the remaining 2 cases. They never answer my question. They told my seven cases correctly. remaining two they did not tell because it was there. Because of their problem I have to pay one more time on top of that stress and cost my residency. They ruined my life. I got 74. I cried over the phone and requsted them to do something. I did not pass the test, I came out from the program. Now I passed the test but my program is full and I can not go back. I tried several places to enter. The acadamic year is starting all positions are filled, If I am willing to start I have to degrade one year to start my residency. Because of the computer, unorganised exam system and others I have to pay my residency and lose one year of residency from my total three years. I cried several days and decided to tale the test and finally passed. They want money not our future. They are most stubborn people I ever saw. We can not do anything the system is like this. I am really sorry to say this But it is truth and reality.


Dear Comp,

Sorry to hear about that. Congrats on passing step 3. Wish you all the best.

Dear Comp,
Thank you for sharing your story with others. I can imagine how devastasted you must have been and I think that was really unfair of what you had to go through as far as losing your residency. However, you have to thank God that you passed the exam despite all the agony and torment that you went through because that could have affected you tremendously. I know it seems that the world might be over but know that something will turn up for you somewhere. You need to go on the internet and call around throughout the country to different programs to see if anything is open. Also, try to check in the New York area because there is a lot of availability. You need to also be willing to move to any location regardless. If I were you, I would try my best looking around for a spot in your current level or above that. Do not go to a lower level or repeat your same level at any means unless you absolutely have to meaning its either that or nothing. I am in different situation because I have finished my residency and am having difficulty passing my step 3 so I cannot work until I do so. The system is really messed up as you say and I also feel that all they care about is taking our money and trying to stop us from reaching our dreams. Could you please give any advice on what you used and how long you studied?

Thanks for sharing your story and don't give up and keep looking up! I hope something opens up for you.

Dear Chant'des, may i know which speciality you finished your residency in ?

Dear Chant'des:

I am really thankful to you and also your support. I am trying my best. I am ready to relocate any where. My aim is to finish residency.

To pass the exam:

How much you read is different from how can you interpret the question. It is a tricky test. You need to pay attention to what they are asking. Do not try to answer what you know, try to anser what they want.

I read Swanson (a-z) first time and read only summary the second time.
I read Kaplan notes before. I remember little. Kaplan gave more knowledge but it did not help answer the test questions. Swanson gave me trmendous knowlege to focus on the question. First read swanson, later if you have time read Kaplan. I did Q bank to check where I was in test taking skills. I did q bank only to learn how to answer test questions. Step3 is not test your knowledge. They test your test taking ability. You don't need to read Harrison and other top most books. Focus only on what they are asking and what are the choices in the answers. I am sure if you read my e mail two times you will get what I am saying.
I read crush step3 two days before the test in a hurry. After Swanson I will recommend that book than kaplan. REad crush step3 atleast two times. your second readings are with in 3-4 days limit. I am sure you will remember in the test. I hope it is helpful to you. I am sure you will pass this exam. Just follow what I told you. Example, using my method do FSMB questions. you understand what is the trick behind the test.

The most imp thing is all ways think that you are a primary care physician. Treat the pt. problem temporarly. do not try to cure the Dz. Give symptomatic tt. Leave remaining part to FSMB. It will take care of that. This a primary care test. not a speciality test. If you need more inf. I will give you later.

Chante' des

Dear img,

I am an OB/GYN resident and I finished my residency training last year, June 2003. I have been out for a year trying to pass this Step 3 exam which has tried to rob me of a lot of my self-confidence. Thanks for asking.

Dear Comp,

Thank you so much for all your advice. I sincerely appreciate all the advice that you gave me and I will definitely follow it. I plan to start my studies this week. I just found out 1 week ago that I failed the exam so I am trying to regroup and prepare myself mentally because I am so hurt. I am so grateful for you giving me this advice because I am so discouraged right now and frustrated so thanks for all your support. I thank god for people like you and I pray that something will open up for you. Would you mind telling me your specialty so that if I come across anything I can let you know. Thanks so much for explaining to me about this exam being one of knowing how to take the test rather than a test of knowledge. I didn't understand that. Your tips were greatly appreciated. Take care.

I took the exam on 3-31-04 not 4-31-04. Sorry its my mistake
Thank you for your support. Ill try to get in touch with the usmle director.or someone who can give the usmle policy...


I am really sorry to hear about your result. I am sure your next result is 100% positive. Just follow my guide lines. I read your old messages under different questions. I found out only one thing. That is you are studying at home. That is the draw back. You can not study at home. There are several unknown distractons to keep you away from the book. My first advise is Stay away from the home. Go to the library unless you have to take care of small baby. Sit in the library even if you don't read that's ok stay there. By doing that you are tuning your body to keep in one place, now try to focus on the book for atleast one hour. If you get bored, get up and go to the bathroom. come back and sit in the chair. Now your hands will pick up the book automatically. First read the subjet what you like and what you think knew. This will lead you into the new material. If you do like this for five days, the next you will stay in the library for 6 day. I will bet with you. You read atleast 5 hrs per day per 6 day. for 6 weeks. You will see your score above 76. I will give you guarentee. If you don't pass doing like that (exactly what I said), I will pay your next exam fee. I am sure I won't get that chance. come on do it. Many people are doing that. Why can't you. Come on get up and go to the library. Tell me your first day experience at the library. If you sleep in the library, do not feel shy to tell that. Those symptoms are positive for passing rate. Let me know about your first day's experience. I will wait for that.

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