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to luckydog: - mistake_nohope
i dont have any inv yet, and still hoping to have...i am low scores with both attemps on step1 and step2..i have USCE and research too...i have US LOR too....but i think my PS is not that good. can you pls help me out just in case you matched this year, how to improve my PS? can email me anytime and give me some tips about PS...thank you very much ...i hope you will match this year.

I worked on my PS for a month, let a couple of people read it, make sure there is no mistake. Mine was about my journey. You have to have something important, interesting that stand out. Not just i grew up here, went to school here, want to become a doctor, now, that is just toooooo plain and boring.

The best way to see if your PS is good is write it, let someone read it, 2-3 persons, see what they think and go from there. Unfortunately, I cant tell you what to write. Good luck
thank you.
my ps is also about I did this that..not like a nice journey flowing through. its ver hard to write the PS. I think the hardest of all the steps. I hate it that we are made to do so.
I have similar situation and only have two IVs so far. I donot believe there is a guy who can help me or someone else. People already post their tips. follow these tips and be strong and have a backup plan. this is my protocol just in case i can not match this year.

PDs usually do not look at PS until 5 min before the interview. A descent PS could help you get IVs, however, being accepted depents on how the IV goes.

Besides those tips there is something else like beauty helps.

I have a friend who used to be a candicate of Miss Japanese get IVs because of her PS. The title of Miss japanese also helps her get marriage with a powerful man in medical feild during the waiting time for residency. Beauty does help to get in residency and even more.

I have low scores and not beautiful. where is my hope? who knows? the only thing I can do so far is be strong and be prepared for anything either matched or unmatched. Additionally residency is not the end of world.

I also do not know why i typed so much. It could be due to the damn stress. Be kind if I said something wrong.
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