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shaher be careful - yuvraj1001
i would say that it provides a good road map of cases but do not follow his treatment protocol.

i did 8 cases and almost everyone has mistakes and they r serious mistakes i am talking about.

like for stemi with no q wave he is not giving tpa--- guys this is a must and if yu dont give this unless there is a contraindication.

then he takes the pt for stress testing ---- guys this is absolutely wrong what r yu stress testing for he has a Ac MI.

then he does not do echo---- this is a must for MI before he leaves the hospital and if EF<30 then start ace inhibitors.

so pl be careful about his treatment protocols.

For sigmoid volvolus yu have to do do sigmoidoscopy as this is therapeutic where as he does not do that

Then afterwards you do colonoscopy in these people which he has not given.

he does too much testing and unneccesary testing will get yu negative points.

he say stop smoking jeez the pt is non smoker so why should you tell him to stop smoking.
agree. shaher disc contains several questionable management issues. however, i do not feel you will get negative points if you follow his lead. primarily, i feel that disc enables people to familiarize themselves with the primum software. it is extremely helpful in watching the dispostion of patients. (where to send That is the valuable aspect of the program. Many test-takers have not stepped foot in a US hospital. So, ultimately, they are not familiar with the timing of tests, how to move a patient from ward to ward, and what tests or meds to order as considered protocol here. watching someone else doing it is valuable. all in all, decent disc. boring as hell. time consuming (had to stop and play golf i was so bored with it). limited educational value. familiarization of software....extremely helpful.
I am agree with rrsomd, before I dealed with shahers I did not have any idea about the software thus I read and read the usmle sofware instructions. It has been really helpful for me, it helped mainly understading the software, thus it has mistakes in management , the cases are high yield.
I will side with sarah. the cd was helpful to me too.
guys i think you dont know what i said it provides a road map but management is totally wrong.


he doesnt know whats thyroid scan and RAIU so he orders both and that too without doing a pregnancy test and in USA you will be in trouble if you do that .

In hirsuitism in young lady he orders so many test without understanding that 28 yr old obese with hirsutism is pcod until and unless proven otherwise.

then starts oc pills without asking pt you cant just start oc pills without asking what if she wants to get pregnant.

Pl follow management from somewhere else if you guys are interested in managing your pt right.

I agree with yuvraj one hundred %
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