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NOOOOO Mom not again.............................. - aiissman
No mom not again that what she said a few months ago when I shared with her my results of missing the exam by one point.. she cried her heart out and broke mine, she wanted her mom to spend more time with her, she is so mature to know every thing about the process. She was hoping that this gurney is going to end. She wanted mom to be done with studying.. and she was hoping..
I wanted her to be proud of me, I wanted her to know that if you work hard you achieve, and not to let obstacles close your way.. For her I decided to pass..
Dec.4 she was with me reading your posts, now she knows all the names, I cried that day more than one time waiting thinking. She said.. I am SURE mom you will pass this time. Gave me many hugs..
Results came out she was asleep, I went to her room I shared the news with her. she got up with excitement from sleep the first thing she said hugging, kissing me" Congratulations. I knew you will get residency'.
The elementary school lovely girl a few months ago cried NO MOM NOT AGAIN yesterday she cried happy proud of her mom
hats off to mothers who study for USMLE...tough job for sure.
wow!!!!!!! that's the sweetest post I have read on this forum. God Bless
hi aiissman

how long after did u take step3 after ur first attempt..this will help me figure out certain issues of my life.
i am in US leavin my family in my home country, i could not make it in step3 first attempt
now i m in a dilema and donno wen to write step3. travel again to usa for this exam is frightening becoz of uncertainity
there is no day that i hav not cried since many months.. am existing not livin.
will be better to qiut and chose som other field or shud i stick on to it..this duality is takin my breath away.

I am proud of you
Hi aiissman, very nice to read about your daughter's perspective of these toughies in our lives. I know how much little time we spend with them due to our never-ending commitments to these USMLE's!! I'm just eagerly waiting to be done with this last battle for ever and spend some quality time with my kids too.

Can you please answer my query reg CCS. My main source for CCS is UW and then I practice on the USMLE CD. Now my question is, from all the labs and tests given in UW for each CCS, how much do we retain during the actual exam...... I am still going through the cases first time and I feel that I'll not be able to reproduce all that's given in the UW during the actual exam. This makes me nervous and less confident. Please share your personal experience about this. And also any advices are welcome. Thank you.
Yes, that is the part of the story that nobody knows, our family suffering because we can not spend time with them, in my case all my family ive where I live( the same town), I live with my husband, for summer for example when they go to the beach, movies etc I can not go, always is the same answr: I have to study, sometimes I wonder if this is fare for them specially for husbands, wifes and children. I hope that for me it finish December 8-10. Nice postind Alissman.

I took the exam late June. Got results late July. Took me a few weeks to recover. I would say mid August was effective starting time. Even though I started posting some mcq a week earlier..
I am a full time mom. I work and volunteer in two places. So between work and volunteering I work full time hours. First 1.5 month on and off the second 1.5 month I worked hard..6-8 hours.
I hope that hepls, good luck.
just wanted to share my story with your soul-touching description.
We have two daughters, 9 and 2 yrs old.
My wife is preparing for her step 1 while taking care of the little daughter, I found that her study does progress. We found a babysitter for our daughter.
Every morning, I drop my daughter to the babysitter before I go to work and pick up in the evening. Every morning, my daughter, just 2 yrs old, makes some excuese not to go with me, because she misses her mom the whole day. I force her to go with me. She cries and walk behind me, many times look behind to say good bye to her mom, and she contineus to look back until she can see her mom, and the last word she says before leaving "mom, please go and read". I can see my wife crying, I can see my daughter crying, every day, every morning. My wife thinks how I can handle this emotional scenes every morning. She blames me that I am mad of only "hardwares" like computer without any heart or soul. When I drop my daughter to the baby sitter and drive to my work, I feel tears in my eyes, no body sees that....its hard. I blame myself, because I chose this life to be in the USA. I chose to do USMLE, I chose it for my wife too. I have done Ph.D., doing well with that, with stable university job. But wanted to further my career...and hence this pain, every morning...
You know, "much of our pain is self created"..I am done with USMLE except step 3, but my wife has long way to go...I dont know how much these kids will have to cry once both of us start our reisdency.....

Sometimes, I feel life is full of mistakes...mistakes I did in chosing my career, but after a while, I concentrate on my ambitions...forgetting the emotions.

I know, many people have the same story, but many hide their tears....
Very touched by your post. May God bless you abundantly!
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