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my experience. - joannitam

Im back from the exam... i was actually back really early.

I got there about 1 hour before the exam time, i took enought food to fed an army... and water.

I entered the exam, did the tutorial and then started.

i think my blocks where pretty similar all together...

im very happy that i did not get questions on HOX genes or something like that... i saw a post a few days ago and just freaked out... fortunately my exam did not have that!

a few HY points about my exam:

1. neuroanatomy and clinical applications. They dont just give you the MRI, they give you the angiogram, pathology cut... everything. hopefully i hit it correct... im really doubting myself now...

2. dominant, recessive...etc...

3. ETHICS. ETHICS... ETHICS.. wow. they love that. and the bad thing is that there really is no way of knowing if you get it right or wrong.. ^O^

4. i got quite a few microbiology questions... a lot on endocarditis...

5. i felt that pathophysiology was tough... it went from a simple calcium and PTH question to a miofibril and crazy points that i dont remember..... but try to get the questions that you have seen on the q banks ... they are gonna give you something really twisted and turned... but also they are gonna give you the one you understand. i think this subject was the tricky for me.

6. if you have the goljan 36 pages... PLEASE READ THEM... really do. I read them this last two days, and a few points where there that really helped.

7. i didnt get questions on hardy weinberg! yeye!! it was such a relief.

8. one question of odds ratio, one question on interpreting that graph on kaplan where they tell have the diseased population and the healthy and they ask where is the highest PPV, NNV, sensitivity.. etc.. you remember, that graph?

9. i got a lot on receptors, second messengers.. insulin and mechanism of action, growth factors and mechanism of action... etc.

10. pharm was ok... mechanisms of action, a few side effects, a few questions on cancer drugs.

I dont know what my result will be... i did my best, tried to manage my time the best i could.
i did 100 questions, then took 10 min break, then 100 questions... 5 minute break.. then 50 questions... 5 min break.. 50... and then the last 50. i was out of there on time.

Im gonna try to stay calm and just try to focus on the next step of my process.

Im really glad i met you guys and im glad that we interacted during this last month. I do think that the activity in the forum keeps you going and that it makes you think!

If my result is positive... i'll let you know about preparation and stuff... right now lets see what happens.

god bless.
Thanks for sharing and best of luck...will u plz let me know wht is good for : " receptors, second messengers.. insulin and mechanism of action, growth factors and mechanism of action... etc."
also, is fa enough for pharma, esp for cancer drugs?
Thank you and wishing u all the very best.
Well done Jo,

You will be fine

Now relax

Nice to know that one of our working members did well

Great doing...sounds like you did very well....& stayed calm. congrats & GL for your scores.
I have my exam next week...can you suggest whats the best way to utilize this time n what to stress on? Thanks.
sorry , i forgot, wht do u suggest for anatomy? i hate that...dont want to spend that much time on it! thanks
Thanks and congrat!
good to hear form u!!!
time to party!!!

what to concentrate thse 3 days!!!

fellin weird and crazy
hi joannitam.. good to hear good note from u.. u did hardwork.. and iam sure it is going to reflect in ur score.. wishing u 99... GL
Ok let me see:

john2007: Did you do usmleworld? what i did was take notes on the right and wrong ones, so during this last few days i checked it out and there i had notes on insulin and its tyrosine kinase phosphorilation...etc. Let me see... if you dont have that, just search for this:

- insulin receptor and how it works
- growth factors and where do they work.
- glucagon and where does it work, how: Gs... etc.

about anatomy:

i was very weak in anatomy so what i did last week in the afternoons was i read once again the chapters in neuroanatomy, upper limb and lower limb innervation on KAPLAN. its very detailed and also it has good questions. i took notes and then yesterday afternoon i read those notes just to be on the safe side.

i used this website yesterday to see images, very nice!

During my last week i read my usmleworld notes, goljan 36 HY pages and my annotations on FA.

i personally stressed on knowing my weak spots: neuroanatomy, oncology drugs.

i read the oncology drugs from FA and the chapter in kaplan.

Hope this helps.
Cancer: did you do annotations on your weak spots? read what you feel is a weak spot...

read my post above... PLEASE SLEEP AND SLEEP WELL... no need to get to the exam all tired... yo have to be strong when you get there.

and raji.. raji... please... do the test... you are ready my friend!
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