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A 20-year-old woman has a history... - linuk
A 20-year-old woman has a history of repeated admissions for sudden abdominal pain. No
known etiology has been found for this pain despite an intensive metabolic, infectious, and
endocrine evaluation. The patient has also had repeated imaging studies of her abdomen and
1 exploratory laparotomy. She comes to the emergency department complaining of similar
pain and is admitted to the hospital for management. A social work consult is called and
reveals that the patient is a single mother with 2 small children who stay at her mother's house
when she is hospitalized. Now on the inpatient floor, the patient is relaxed. Extensive imaging
and laboratory studies are all normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

1.Body dysmorphic disorder
2.Conversion disorder
3.Factitious disorder
3.Factitious disorder
3.Factitious(Manchausen=to be differentiated from porphyrias)
We had this one just a coupla hours ago Smile
sorry Smile yep corerct
here it is it wasnt dejavu,i did answer that.Smilethnx linuk
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