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UW HIGH YIELd OBS & GYNAE - maddy143
1. In cases of post-term pregnancy (42-43 weeks), the non-stress test and biophysical profile should be performed twice weekly and if there is oligohydramnios or if spontaneous decelerations are noted, delivery has to be accomplished.

2. All patients with pseudocyesis need psychiatric evaluation.

3. Eclampsia is diagnosed when unexplained convuslions occur in the setting of preeclampsia.

4. In complete abortion, the whole conceptus passed through the cervix. The cervix then closes, and pain and uterine contractions subside.

5. Fetal hydantoin syndrome presents with a small body size with microcephaly, hypoplasia of the distal phalanx of the fingers and toes, nail hypoplasia, low nasal bridge, hirsutism, cleft palate and rib anomalies.

6. If maternal serum Alpha-Feto-Protein levels are found to be abnormal in a pregnant patient, the next step is ultrasonography.

7. A search should be undertaken to determine the cause after the first episode of intrauterine fetal demise.

8. Metronidazole is the treatment of choice for Trichomonas vaginitis and should be prescribed to both the patient and the partner.

9. Abdominal pain in a young female in the middle of her cycle with a benign history and clinical examination is most likely Mittelschmerz.

10. Advanced stage of premature labor should be managed more aggressively and tocolysis has to be instituted at once. Magnesium sulfate is the drug of choice for tocolysis.

11. Labor should be allowed to proceed in patients with severe congenital anomaly incompatible with life.

12. Atrophic vaginitis is treated with estrogen; this latter should be balanced with medroxyprogesterone if the uterus is still present. If the patient is not willing to use oral hormones, Premarin(estrogen) cream twice daily may be used.

13. In cases of intrauterine growth retardation, presence of oligohydraminos is an indication for delivery.

14. Physicians have to maintain their obligation to a patient's right to confidentiality, even in the event of a pregnant minor wanting to withhold the diagnosis from her parents.

15. Fetal alcohol syndrome presents with IUGR, microcephaly and facial dysmorphology which involves midfacial hypoplasia, micrognathia, flattened philtrum, microphtalmia, short palpebral fissure, and thin vermillion border of the upper lip.

16. Lupus anticoagulant, seen in SLE patients, leads to recurrent abortions and thromboembolic disease.

17. Penicillin desensitization is considered to be the treatment of choice for the pregnant patients with syphilis and having penicillin allergy.

18. DUB is the most common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding, but owing to its benign nature, it is a diagnosis of exclusion. About 70% of cases are caused by anovulatory cycles. After menarche and before menopause it is considered physiologic. IV estrogen is the drug of choice for uncontroled bleeding.

18. After the events that are associated with excessive feto-maternal hemorrhage (e.g., placental abruption), the failure to correct the dose of anti-D immune globulin may result in maternal alloimmunization.

19. The most appropriate test to confirm the diagnosis of Intra Uterine Fetal Demise (IUFD is real time ultrasonography.

20. Vulvar papillomatosis, or condylomata acuminata, are genital lesions caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) serotypes 6 and 11. Condylomas present as exophytic lesions with a raised papillomatous or spiked surface and may grow into large and cauliflower-like formations.

21. Patients with chorioamnionitis exhibit fever greater than 38°C(98.7F), uterine tenderness and irritability, elevated WBC count and fetal tachycardia. It is frequently associated with preterm or prolonged rupture of membranes.

22. Labor should be induced immediately in patients with intrauterine fetal demise who develop coagulations abnormalities.

23. Female offsprings of women who ingested diethylstilbestrol during their pregnancy are at increased risk of developing clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and cervix, as well as cervical anomalies and uterine malformations.

24. Retinal hemorrhage is considered to be an extremely ominous sign of preeclampsia.

25. Treatment of luteal phase defect is first attempted with progesterone supplements; clomiphene citrate or hMG can be tried if progesterone gives no results.

26. Uterine rupture presents with an intense abdominal pain associated with vaginal bleeding with can range from spotting to massive hemorrhage.

27. Early decelerations are due to fetal head compression.

28. Fetal sleep presents with decreased long-term variability.

29. Fetal cord compression presents with variable decelerations.

30. Uteroplacental insufficiency presents with late decelerations.

31. Intrauterine infection presents with tachycardia, which may be associated with other signs of fetal distress.

32. The increased incidence of UTI seen in females is due to the shorter length of the urethra. Other predisposing factors are the use of spermicidal contraceptives, a wet periurethral environment, urethral termination beneath the labia and the close proximity of the urethra to the anus.

33. Primary dysmenorrhea usually appears 6 to 12-months after menarche. NSAIDs are highly effective for treatment; oral cntraceptive pills inhibit ovulation and are also effective.

34. BUN, serum creatinine, and hematocrit are often decreased in pregnant patients, and it is due to a dilutional affect.

35. Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that is defined by the association of hypertension, non-dependant edema (in the hands and face), and proteinuria > 300mg/24hr and it occurs almost exclusively in the young primigravida woman in her third trimester. Severe preeclampsia is defined by BP greater than 160/110 and the presence of one or more of certain signs which include head-ache, elevated serum creatinine and many others.

36. Missed abortion involves a dead fetus that is still retained in the uterus. The diagnosis is suspected when there is disappearance of the nausea and vomiting of early pregnancy, and an arrest of uterine growth.

37. PCOD is characterized by an unbalanced estrogen secretion that may result in endometrial hyperplasia. Patients are treated with combined oral contraceptive pills or cyclic progestins.

38. Infertility in premature ovarian failure is treated with egg donation.

39. The most appropriate next step in managing variable deceleration is mask oxygen and change in maternal position.

40. Triad of renal failure, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia occurs in hemolytic uremic syndrome.
keep this for the newbies joining the club in plain sight
Good job! Thanks
yup yup
: ) it is nothing
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