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ccs -NHL - buddha
32 yo F , sexually active ,C/o white vaginal discharge PV,Generalized lymphadenopathy. While managing patient in the real exam you are pulled towards Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma in the same case. Can anyone write the steps of Mx of this case. (This is a real exam case, one of my friend gave exam yesterday)
arent you just supposed to refer the patient to oncology or we do prescribe chemoRx
if referral is of no use & suggests to continue medicine??
we should consult oncolgy instead of giving chemo , in my opinion.
N we should not forget to do HIV test in this patient.
Hi dreem can we formulate the steps of management so that we don't miss the important steps?
NHL are generally very radio sensitive. After consulting oncology we can give radiation. Chemo is generally for aggressive, so if aggressive CHOP may be given Also GCSF should be given. Any other opinions???????
where did the case present?
office or ER
is there any connection between NHL and the presenting complaint?
Does the pt need to be admitted or can mange as an out pt?
if so How do we diagnose the NHL..? biopsy etc.
Thne metastatic work up tests?
Finally refer to ONCOLOGY..
ofcourse u can do the other relavant work up like HIV, RPR, Hbs Ag, GC, Pap smear etc.
May be the pt has STD risk factors?
May be they rae trying to present a HIV case like this.
always look for the bigpcture
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