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algus -
transitional year

I would like to apply for anesthesiology for 2005 actualy 2006 because they don't have the first year.What I have to do regarding the first year? Apply for transitional year? What is transitional year? Shall I apply for both anestesiology and another specialty.Is transitional year the same as preliminary year or these are different things. How do you arrange for that preliminary year. Thanks for the help in advance.

i have exactly the same query
please someone enlighten us

if you are applying for an advanced position (like anesthesiology ) that requires a prelim year - you have to apply to both the anesthesiology ( or other speciality ) program with start date in 2006 and to Priminary program with start date in 2005. You have to apply to both through ERAS, schedule and attend interviews independently. During match, you there is main rank list where you rank your advanced specialty and there is supplemental rank where you rank your Prelim programs.

some advanced positions come with prelim year attached, in which case you apply only to this program and don't need to apply separately to Prelim position.

Some advance positions require prelim IM, some prelim surgery, some will take either. Not sure transitional can be counted as prelim - it's much less structured with more electives, etc.

LL thanks for the response I appreciate it very much. Program where I want to apply accepts everything besides psychiatry. Like I understood I have to apply for anesthesiology and let say internal medicine as a preliminary year. Is there any special site where I can see which preliminary programs are offered? Are these programs different then the ones for the people who want to be internists or these are just the same residency programs where people are applying to get the residency for 4 years.
For me it is not clear whether I am going to apply for internal like everybody who wants to be an internist or how am I going to find the programs that offer just one year either in surgery or IM.
I went on FREIDA and found all specialities,transitional year but nothing about preliminary programs. Can you tell me more about above mentioned issues.Thank you.

go to freida and select Int. Medicine and then desirable location and there is another option(OPTIONAL CRITERIA) which you can select programs which offer preliminary positions. Then, If you go to each program website, you will see they have different codes for preliminary and categorical Int. Medicine.
transitional year

Sami thanks a lot, you solved my problem. I have never tried OPTIONaL CRITERIA on FREIDA search. I tried now and it worked out. I appreciate your help very much. Good luck with the exams and matching.
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