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i failed a 3rd time -

hi guys, i am a us citizen but went to the caribean for med school, i recently failed step 1 for the third time now. Very depressed... i really don't know what to do next, my school policy says i can only take it 3times. Now my options are to only or go to england and become a dr. and then come back for the exam... i don't know what else to do... Sad

maybe medicine isn't your calling. do you really want to be a doctor? passing step 1 just takes hard work and not one bit of intelligence. if you were not willing to work hard, maybe you don't really want to be involved with medicine as a physician

Hey listen don't fall for the social darwinism espoused by the previous person. If you really want to be a doctor go to england and slowly start to study for the boards again in your time off at night from hospital. Test taking has nothing to do with becoming a great doctor. And that is the problem we get crappy doctors in this country. Because we get machines that take tests well but don't have much compassion. Not all are like that but there is a good number of them. You put a lot of time and money so far go to england and complete your education. You will probably learn more there than in the states. Good luck to you ivy!!!!

Remember the only thing that shouldnt be a failure in your life is your perseverence.

"Social Darwinism" or not people who love what they do or know what they want generally have no problem putting in the time it takes to make their goals a reality. Moreover, over 98% of the test takers probably pass step 1 within the first three tries. Hell, 96% of the people at my University passed it the first time. How is the world able to manage without all those "great doctors" who are in that two percent?

I am just saying that after failing step 1 for the third time, it might be a good time to reconsider if this is what you really want from life. It is hardly even the first hurdle, but if one feels they have to become a doc , then I guess he or she should stick at it.

i think stylus cant be more wrong. i know a few people who have failed step one more than five times and have still ended up with residencies in medicine, anesthesiology and prelim surgery. all that counts is how good you carry yourself, i.e your personality. ivy.... believe me dont get depressed. it is just a stupid test, and if you have other qualifications then this test is not a requirement, just a formality. I say, take it again, just focus more on subjects you were weak in. Dont let negativity get to you. Afterall, if you have come this far.

Stylus that is exactly it the world isnt managing too well. Most people are not very satisfied with doctors that can't connect and are too aloof. Doctors who regard themselves as above their patients and dont care to explain things. That is why people are turning to alternative medicine etc. There is a big problem and its caused by people who test well and go into things for prestige and money!!!!
Even though I will be a doctor someday I hope this system gets socialized and exorbitant salaries put in check so that we dont attract the wall street doctors here.
ramon -

Ivy, please don't give up, I've already passed step 2 with no problem, but I have been taking step 1 more than three times and still can not pass. I work in a trauma center, and believe me a lot of residents that already passed this steps don't have the knowledge and humanity that most foreign physicians have. I don't consider myself stupid it's just that I am not a good test taker. I'm going to continue taking it until I pass, and I know I will be an excellent doctor.
Keep it up and God bless you.
naseer zia - nomark20

hey, don't feel bad and dejected, get even by studying and doing q-bank questions. I know the feeling as i have personally been through I also took it 2x and failed, don't give up never give up .......and God bless u. Thank you

Thank you all for your tremendous support and advice... I don't think that i would have lightened up if i didn't have your written support. I will ship out next month for England and continue my journey to become an excellent doctor one day. You guys are extremely kind people/doctors with a big heart, bless you all, I wish you all the best!! Happy New Years...


if you want it, you can DO IT.
good luck to you.
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